Chapter 11

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"What do you mean 'He's here', Jules? He's not here yet and we'll be at the airport very soon. He won't find us." Kaylin denies what I know I saw. She probably is just trying to stay positive, but it was him because as soon as our eyes connected I could feel the tingles in my back.

"No, Kaylin. He's here, he was by the staircase and he's going down them now. I saw him! You have to stop the elevator." The seconds ticked by as we got closer to the first floor, where I knew he'd be waiting. Maybe I could do an emergency stop and maneuver my body out of the elevator and climb up onto whatever floor we were just below, then escape out of one of the windows and down the fire escape. Just like in the movies where the hero or heroine saves the day, and the bad guy loses, right?

Sadly life isn't a fairy tale, or in this case an action movie.

But it sure as hell feels like it.

My heart races as I desperately look for something, anything, that will stop the elevator in time.

"I'm not going to stop the elevator. We can still make it to the airport, Emily and I didn't see him, so don't worry. It's been a rough week for you and you've been through a lot, so you might have just thought you saw him. You need to-"

"No, we need to stop it now! He's going to take me away again, maybe even the two of you and I can't live with that- the thought of me being the reason you guys could get hurt scares me." My stomach clenched as my head began to feel light and dizzy, it felt like the elevator was getting smaller, enclosing me inside. I've never been very fond of elevators anyways. They always smell weird and play strange music, plus so many scary things have taken place in elevators in horror movies.

I mean, have you been on The Tower of Terror or seen Devil?

It didn't matter that I don't want the elevator to get to the first floor because it had already stopped, the exact place I wish I was far away from.

"Listen, we need to leave, and now, you need to trust me unless you want what happened to me to happen to you. Put your suitcases outside the elevator and follow me, we'll come back for them later. If we have to split up, we will, but meet back here as soon as you can."

We were more important than our things, so if we needed to make a quick escape I wouldn't want to have to drag my huge suitcase with me.

They nod and we all smile at each other before the doors slide open, and surprisingly reveal nothing. I take my chance and walk out, I don't want to seem suspicious so I act normal, like a psychotic man wasn't looking for me. Maybe if I keep my head down and mind my own business he won't notice me if he's waiting.

I look out the door that leads to the busy streets of England, cars are going both ways making the small street look cramped and busy, and people are everywhere- getting to work, running last minute errands, and just out for a nice walk.  I look both ways before opening the door. Can't be too careful, Harry has surprised me more than once.

Everything's going smooth so far, I just need to continue acting like everyone else and soon we'll all be gone.

I was so thankful that the streets were as busy as they were, I wouldn't be able to blend in if no one was here.

After a few blocks we completely lost Harry, looks like he's not as smart as we thought.

I turn into a little off street, not an alleyway, but a gap in between buildings. I'm never going into an alleyway again, I've learned my lesson.

I think we're alright, at least for now, so we can go back to the apartment to get our stuff and finally leave this place.

"Okay guys, let's go back. I think we-" I turn around to talk to Emily and Kaylin, but they were no where to be seen. I frantically look around, left and right, wondering where they went.

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