Chapter 26

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There, laying perfectly on the bed in the dim lighted room from a few candles, was a dress.

It wasn't a normal dress- it was a prom dress.

I pace slowly towards the bed, not believing my own eyes.

It was beautiful. There's no other word to explain it.

Not only was it extremely classy, but it had a certain feel to it that made it simple.

The way the dark color went with the design at the top mezmerized me, and I couldn't keep my eyes off of the piece of fabric laying in front of me. There were even cute heels to go with it.

Everything looked perfect, this was by far the best birthday I have ever had. I can't believe Harry would do this for me. Since I told him I never went to prom before, he was going to give me one now.

The smile never escaped my mouth as I changed as quickly as I could, trying to not mess up my hair and makeup.

As I slowly walked down the stairs, I'm not the best at walking in heels, there was a trail of rose petals and candles. As I got closer to the room where the trail led to, I could hear the soft sound of music playing in the background.

Standing in front of me, once I turned the corner, was Harry, looking as handsome as ever and standing in a tux, with a huge smile on his face.

He was holding a single rose and he gave it to me with a smug grin on his face. He knew I loved this.

"Julianne, happy birthday, will you please go to prom with me?" He cheesily asks me and holds out his hand. With a chuckle I take it, biting my lip and nodding.

He pulls me in, his eyes never leaving mine, and wraps his other hand around me and places it on my back, swaying back and forth as I lift my free hand and place it on his shoulder.

I can't stop admiring him, how I'm genuinely lucky, and maybe it's not the best circumstances, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

"I didn't know you could dance." I tease him, earning a chuckle in return.

"What can I say," he shrugs, "I'm a man of many talents." He winks at me, making me blush and look down.

"You didn't have to do this, you know."

"Do what?"

I roll my eyes, "You know 'what'. All of this," I gesture to the room and myself. He payed for everything today, my makeup hair, dress, heels, it was more than I ever needed. "And taking me to prom? Harry, this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you." I answer seriously.

"Nah, it was nothing, let's just have fun, you deserve to be treated like a princess on your special night."

I couldn't believe my ears, a few months ago I never thought this day would have come. He really is a sweetheart, everyone out there just doesn't know him like I know him.

No one sees the Harry that loves to watch movies and snuggle at night, loves to take long walks and go on dates, and also does things like this.

I frown, thinking how I may be the only one that ever has and ever will see this side of him.

At that moment he places both of his hands on my shoulders, softly rubbing his hands down to my wrists and lifting them up, wrapping my arms around his shoulder.

He encases me with his arms, and I rest my head on his shoulder as we sway back and forth to the beautiful music Harry has chosen.

He holds me close, not easing up even the slightest bit. One of my favorite songs, I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz, comes on.

Unstable [Harry Styles AU]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora