Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

          The rest of the day passed way too quickly. I preferred being in school than at Marco's house. He never liked me being away from him to go but he couldn't exactly keep me from going. I mean I was still 17 and part of being emancipated was still going to school and graduating high school so I could still do something with my life. Luckily he still understood that but every now and then he'd get drunk while I was at school and went I got back home he'd assume I was with another guy. Marco was seriously possessive and he hated the idea of me being with anyone else. Sometimes when he was drunk he yell at me and accuse me of screwing my old friend, Gabe. I always had to work to convince him that wasn't true since Gabe was gay, but most of the time I'd get hit for it. A few months ago I'd decided to stop hanging out with Gabe to avoid that problem altogether. I always felt bad when I saw him in the hallways and didn't acknowledge him. He didn't push for answers anymore for which I was grateful. I mean, how do you tell your friend that you can't hang out with him anymore because your psycho boyfriend beats you because he forgets he's gay and thinks he's trying to steal you?

          I took my time walking out of the school shuffling my feet as I walked. I stepped off of the first stair not realizing it was there, falling clumsily into the boy leaning against the railing. He caught me against all odds seeing as he wasn't looking at me and it was a totally unexpected trip.

          "Easy there or you might break a hip." He laughed as he looked down at me in his arms. I just smiled and didn't say anything as I stared at him. I knew this boy.

          "Sorry Andre." The words spilled out of my mouth before I could stop them.

          "Well obviously you know me, but I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you."

          I pulled myself up out of his arms and tried to stop smiling like a bumbling idiot. "Leslie, my name's Leslie. I'm one of Alyson's... friends I guess." Andre Tyler was the coolest boy at school. He was known for his bad boy ways, leather jacket, and motorcycle. He was also known for being Alyson's unofficial boyfriend.

          "Just when I thought I'd met all of Alyson's friends, though you do look familiar. I'm pretty sure I'd remember your name though, pretty blonde like you. Gotta say, when you fell in my arms all I was thinking was, 'why don't I have this girl saved in my phone?'" he flashed his perfectly white teeth at me.

          "Wow, I, um," I stuttered looking for a response to him.

          "But since you're Aly's friend I guess I shouldn't go there... But then again I'm not known for doing what I'm supposed to." I just stared at him and he smirked at me. "Catch ya later, Leslie." He playfully chucked me under the chin before hoping on his motorcycle and speeding off. I just stood there immobilized by this boy. Andre was probably the hottest guy I'd ever talked to and he just called me pretty and hit on me. At least I think he hit on me. Was that hitting on me or was he just being nice? Now I'm confused.

          I sighed and continued my walk to Marco's my mind never leaving this boy. I couldn't stop thinking about how hot he was. The way the leather material of his jacket clung to his arms and showed off the muscles of his biceps. He had left his jacket open letting his tight white tee pronounce his abs. And his smile, oh his smile, that was to die for. I couldn't help but grin myself at the thought of him. I could even feel myself getting slightly turned on as I walked. I shook my head and mentally slapped myself bringing me back to reality, sort of. I let my mind wander to Mikhail, the main character of my dreams lately. Mikhail was everything I wasn't, strong, funny, outgoing, and a good fighter. I wished so much that she wasn't just a dream and that I could be like her. Maybe then I wouldn't be walking back to Marco's stupid house just to be beaten and raped and forced to lie and tell him I loved him.

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