chapter 9:fear gas testing

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5 minutes has past since pamela went to find a test subject for jonathan's fear gas. Jonathan starts pacing wondering if the fear gas will work like it did when his dad experiemented on him. why did my dad have to do the fear gas on me why didnt he just find someone else to do it on. now that i think about it i know why he did it on me. He wanted me to face my fears and not be scared anymore. hmm maybe i could become a villian instead of a hero. i need to think of a villian name that i like. he then hears pamela walk in. hey i brought a test subject. he tried to run but i caught him. oh good put him in the chair and strap him in. pamela was so excited to see what the fear gas did so she tied up the guy. ok so you are my first test subject. tell me what do you fear. As soon as jonathan said that he put the syring in the guys neck and watched as the guy started to thrash around and scream. hmm ill write this down. he is afriad of spiders and closed spaces. this was a success. pamela was watching closely as jonathan grabbed his case that pamela stole from his car. he opened his case and graped a notepad and a pen. he wrote down that the text subject which he named subject 01 was afraid of spiders and closed spaces. which the phobia term is arachnophobia and claustrophobia. dr crane? you can just call me jonathan you know when im not at the asylum. ok jonathan i was wondering if you would like to test some more people with that so called fear toxin. yes i would. ok and also what are you afraid of jonathan? i was afraid of scarecrows as a kid but the fear soon died. how? my dad used this fear toxin on me when i was 15 and i hallucinated scarecrows coming after me. so he used the fear gas so much you stoped fearing scarecrows. yes and you just gave me an idea. Whats the idea? what my villian name is going to be. villian? yes while you were gone i was thinking to my self maybe becoming a villian instead of a hero. oh i like what you were thinking and whats the name going to be jonathan? Scarecrow. Thats when scarecrow was born.

authers note

sorry i havent posted in a while ive been making edits and getting ready for senior year of highschool. ive been making edits of cillian murphy make sure to see my other book called edits and book covers. All you have to do is click or tap my username and see my stories. See you next time fears. see what i did there. hahaha. im weird sorry.

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