chapter 8: friends

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2 weeks has passed since jonathan has been in pamela's greenhouse. Pamela lets him walk around freely. He walked to her office space looking for her. pamela where are you. i want to talk to you. im over here, and about what. jonathan walks to where he heard the voice at. he finally found her watering her plants. what do you want im busy. i just want to know if you would like to be friends since ill be stuck in here until joker does things at arkham. why does he hate me so much. its because you wanted him to talk when he didnt want to and yeah i would like to be friends. oh ok. yeah. jonathan walks off but pamela follows him, he then turns a sharp corner and looses her. hmm i wonder if i can make some of that fear toxin that my dad made. hmm i need some ingredients. jonathan looks all over pamelas place and finds all of the ingredients. he evently finds all of them and walks over to a free fold out table and starts trying to make the fear toxin. pamela ends up finding him doing this. jonathan is so into his work he didnt notice pamela watching him. what are you doing jonathan. making some of my dad so called fear toxin. what does it do. well when you inject the fear gas into someones viens and it makes them see thier deepest darkest fears. hints the name fear toxin. oh try it on me. no i dont want to hurt you. promise you wont hurt me. believe me it will hurt your brain and wont make you the same person anymore. ok ill get you a person to try it out on. oh how about a random person on the streets. that would be better. ok hold on. ok.

a villian love story Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin