chapter 7: break in

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jonathan go home in time for the sirens in gotham to start going off. he saw batman swinging from building to building trying to catch the villians. he sat on his couch and turned on the tv. he changed the channels until he got to the gotham news channel. we apear to have a breat out of all the villians and they are everywhere in gotham. As soon has he was going to change the channel again some broke down his door. it was the joker him self. jonathan acted fast and ran up stairs to his bedroom locked the door and got into is bathroom locked that door. he hid in the shower. joker broke down his bedroom and door. oh doctor come out come out where you are hahahahhaha. he could see the vines coming from his bathroom door. the vines started pulling and breaking the door off its hinges. pamela pulled back the shower curtians to find jonathan coving his face in his long legs. she never knew he was tall unil she saw his legs. oh wow you must be taller than me and joker combined. ahh. oh did i scare you aww doctor crane scared. pamela used her vines to pull jonathan up and out of his shower. she stood him up and looked up at him. hmm should i make you into fertilizer or soil for my plants. niether. aww thats a pitty you will have to pick one. pamela walked out pulling jonathan with her. after a long dragging and jonathan hitting his head on the pavement and sidewalks they made it to pamelas green house. pamela turned around seeing that jonathan passed out from hitting his head too hard on the pavement sidewalk. oh now we can't this now can we. Hey Dr Crane wake up. Oh your head is bleeding i'll help you since you helped me with that officer. Pamela grabbed some cotten swaps and some wraping and cleaned jonathan's head and doctored it with some medical supplies. 3 hours has passed and jonathan still hasnt woken up. I wonder when he is going to open those beutiful light blue eyes of his. why am i thinking like that i dont need a man but i am lonely. hmm i wonder if he feels the same with me as i do with him. As soon has she said that he woke up. oh hey you finally woke up. ouch my head what happened, where am I, and why am i strapped to a chair. jonathan tried to get free but he was too weak and his head was pounding. pamela walked over there and put a hand on his forearm. finally you woke up, you hit your head to hard when i was dragging you on the pavement sidewalk, and you are in my greenhouse. can i get out of theses restraints please. no because you will run away and dont say you won't i know you will. believe me I won't my head hurts way to much to find a way out of here. ok ill let you out as long as you stay in my sight you will be fine. pamela undid the straps on jonathan's legs and wrists. jonathan sat up and rubbed his wrists. pamela saw him doing this and walked over there to check his wrists. As she was doing this she peered down his shirt that was unbuttoned. she saw that he had a twelve pack ab. jonathan noticed that she was doing this and didnt saw anything. when pamela was done looking down his shirt, she walked to check on her plants. jonathan tried to stand but has he stood he started to loose his balance and fell. ow my leg. pamela ran to him and kneeled down. are you ok. no i think i sprained my ankle. yeah you did i can tell here let me help you get back on the chair. why are you helping me i thought you were going to turn me into fertilizer. i was but i got to thinking you too good looking for fertilizer, what did i just say. pamela blushed and looked away from jonathan whose now sitting on the chair. he smiled and looked away from her.

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