chapter 6: day two; three sessions

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jonathan got up from his new bed; he walked to his new bathroom and got ready for the day. today he is started sessions with catwomen. Why did I say yes to being catwomens doctor after what I have heard about her flirting with other doctors and the falling for it. well I dont think ill fall for though. After he got ready he walked down stairs to his kitchen and made himself a cup of coffee. I wonder if pamala is going to flirt with me today, why am I thinking about this I dont need her flirting with me. After he drank his coffee he grabbed his keys and drove to arkham asylum. he went through the double black gates and showed the guards his doctors badge that the boss gave him the day before. they let him in and he said his hellos to harleen. After he talked to harleen about yesterday. He walked to his office a soon as he sat down there was a knock at his door. come in. here is selena kyle. ok put her in the chair. The guards. hello mrs kyle can you tell me why you keep flirting with the guards and doctors. well i like how they look so good and also how old are you. that doesnt matter. ok mr rude why do you look so good though. stop. ok ok ill stop the real reason is for me to see my batman.  ok. the guards came in and said session was over and took selena away. two minuts as passed and the guards brought in joker. they sat him down and left the room. alright joker will you talk today. joker just sat there smiling like he did the day before. ok then dont. ill talk. ok so why did you gass a guard yesterday. because he didnt let me have my lunch hahahahahahaha. ok is that the real reason why. yes hahhahahahahaha. After talking to joker the guards came in and took him away to his padded cell. they then brought in pamela isly. they sat her down and left. hello miss isly or should i call you doctor. doctor is fine. ok well should we get started, so you choked a guard yesterday. why did you do that. because he was about to do bad things to me. what was he about to do to you. things id rather not say. ok. ill talk to my boss about it what was his name. officer hudson. ok ill check it out in the mean time will you tell me why you kill people who eat salads. because they are eating my babys and i dont like that. i know what you are about to hear might be a mistake on my part but sometimes i eat salads to stay heathy but the only thing i eat in saleds are the lettuce and sometimes spinach but not all the time. i want to kill you so bad but i dont want to kill you at the same time. And why is that. because you are so handsome and somewhat rude and i like that. how did you know that i was rude. well i saw you with harleen rolling your eyes everytime she mentioned the joker. i been in her sessions before and she told me she had a thing for the joker for a long time. really i did not know that but i dont like it when people talk about thier love life around me because i dont have anyone to love. aww your lonely so am i. the guards came in and took pamela away. after they closed the door jonathan talked to himself. i really dont like it when they take her when are having a conversation. he rolled his eyes as he was about to walk out the sirens when off and he had to run out befor the joker got him. he knew it was the joker becaue of the loud laughing in the halls when the sirens went off. when he got in his car he saw pamela using her vines to choke out some of the doctors.

AN: sorry this was a long chapter

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