chapter 3: session 2

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Jonathan gets done reading Pamela's file just in time to hear a know. He then tells them to come in." They come in with pamela not Ina strait jacket but in a neck brace to keep her powers at bay. "Alright you can leave." Tehy then leave. "Alright pamela hope you are in a talking mood, it says here on your file that you choked some out with your vines then kissed them to kill were then brought here to arkham asylum." "Can I ask you a question doc." "Go a head." "Whats your name I haven't seen you around here and oh if you are going to ask me why I did that, it's because I wanted some new fertilizer for my new Venus fly trap." "My name is Dr jonathan crane and the reason you haven't seen me is because I just started working here today." Pamela just nods "say dr crane you look very good looking for your age." "I'm only 25." The guards came in and said it was times up. "Alright pamela see you in 3 days." Pamela then waves bye in a sexy manner.

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