Chapter 4: new house

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jonathan talks in this other people talk like this

that same day jonathan thought to him self. maybe i should buy me a home since i still have my moving stuff in my car. So he walked out of his making sure he locked the door behind him and walked out of arkham asylum. He then walked to his car and drove around gotham for a house. He soon found one that was for sell so he bought it he didnt care if it looked boring he liked boring. jonathan unpacked his boxes and things from the back of his car, and unlocked the front door of his new home. he set the boxes down and looked around at the biege walls and green furniture. the first box he opened was his clothes box. he walked to his new bedroom and put the clothes in his new closet. he then walked back into the living room and unpacked another box, this box had his coffee maker and dishes in it. he walked into his new kitchen which wasnt that big and put his dishes up in the capnets and put his coffee maker on the counter. after he upacked all the boxes he had he had the opportunity to sit down on his new green couch. He wondered what he should do next, but as soon as he figured out what he was going to do; he got a phone call:

hello who is this

this is your boss at the arkham asylum we need you to come back for a staff meeting.

ok im on my way.


jonathan hung up the phone and ughed. i guess i need to go back and attend this meeting. He got into his car and drove to arkham asylum.

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