Small Victory

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An hour or two went by and this place was starting to look just right. As she sheets dried in the beat up looking dryer. We started making our beds. As we walked around, we made it to Bennett's bed. He looked at us and spoke "No need, I got it." He said grabbing his sheets out of our hands. He started to make his own bed but noticeably had difficulty. His claws tore into one of the corners of the sheet. "Oh mothefucker!" He growled angrily. "Look I'll help you." Revy said, reaching her hand out to grab the sheets. He held tight but so did she, eventually he caved and let her help. We continued our rounds and eventually all of the beds. "Phew." Ty exclaimed. The twins tried their best, but those floors are just not savable. Brian walked in the front door as the hinges squeaked. Everyone turned their attention to him, "So, everyone, I know you may not like it.. but the only food I have to offer you, is about 40 boxes of military MREs I have outside. Most people didn't seem to care and neither did I, but Lilly. She made a face of disgust and scoffed at the idea. She must've been some goody goody brat outside of here. Good to see that'll change. The boys, including me, walked them inside. The boxes piled to the ceiling near the windows on the side of the cabin where the walls looked the worst. "There, camouflage." James spoke trying to get a laugh. Hell I won't lie, it got me.

After people ate their 'breakfast' we went outside and were met by Brian and the woman that let us in yesterday. "Hi my name is Elizabeth, I'm Brian's wife." She waved at all of us. All of us were wondering but no one said it. She must've read the looks on our faces, "I don't have a gift, sorry" she said with a smile. "She helps me here, and keeps me sane." Brian reassured the group. "Now, I want you all to split up into teams of three. I also want you to find a secluded area out there and work on controlling your powers. I will see all of you at 6:00 p.m.." he then walked off towards his pickup truck and left out the front gate. We looked around at each other. "Oh come on." Sarah said grabbing mine and Ty's arms and started us walking up the mountain in the rocks. I saw the twins and Bennet go off, and Revy, Trevor, and Lilly go off as well. I wasn't really sure what I would be useful for but I surely wanted to see Ty show off. The forest thinned out into a clearing with large boulders in it. Natural game trails littered the woods. Ty strutted in the front of our trio. Sarah and I walked together keeping a careful eye for the other teams. "This is definitely IT." Ty loudly exclaimed. She stood proudly leaning on one of the larger stones. Her goofy smile was so proud. Sarah rolled up her sleeves as she approached. "May I?" She politely asked, gesturing at the stone that supported Ty. Ty moved, "all yours." Sarah put both palms out towards the rock and it almost felt like the air cooled a degree. Ice crystals formed near her fingernails as a layer of frost covered the stone. Ty laughed it off, "Just to cool it off huh?" This newfound cockiness of hers seemed almost fitting, but a change of pace for sure. Sarah smirked, before flicking the stone with her knuckle. A slab of the stone cracked, and just like ice, the rest of the surrounding rock cracked and fell into itself. It was mesmerizing to watch, yet terrifying at the same time. "I never liked ice or even the cold before. I have no idea why that would be my thing." She said rolling her sleeves down. Ty proceeded to give her bit of show and tell. She pulled her coat off and her long sleeve off, down to a t-shirt. She paused for a moment before it happened. Her arms shifted into the rock form. I could see very clearly now, it wasn't just her fists. Her whole arm was covered lightly in the sharp black stones. The larger ones protruded from her shoulder muscles. She slammed her fist down on the rock like a mighty hammer, and it cut the stone clean in two. Her smile gave me a bit of worry though. Her features changed slightly, she became almost animal like. She shards tore holes in her shirt and her eyes had that slight glow to them again. When she turned to me again, her smile was different too. Her teeth were sharp looking, and her canines we're definitely larger. "Hey Ty you showed off. Let's dial it back some." I suggested. She shook out of it like a trance. Her features went back to normal as the spikes retreated back to her skin. "Who, that was awesome." She said walking back hand high, waiting for a high five from Sarah. Sarah laughed, and gave her what she wanted. The crisp noise of a good high five made me feel more at ease. I thought for sure she was gonna lose it, I don't know why. "Blake, go for it." Sarah spoke calmly. I swallowed hard. I'm not sure if it was excitement or fear I was feeling. I walked to the not destroyed rock adjacent to the other. I closed my eyes and pictured the feeling, the pools of energy in my hands. I opened my eyes confident I knew what to do. It felt like instinct this time, I could feel myself pool the energy to my palms as the purple glow ensnared my forearms. I stuck my hands to the stone and the flames didn't seem to do much to the roughness of the rock. Until, an audible crack was heard. When I moved my hands back, perfect handprints were visible. "Ha Fuck yes!" I exclaimed excitedly. Ty nodded proudly with a thumbs up. Sarah looked concerned almost, "Is that your first time actually controlling it?" She asked with a bit of nerve in her voice. "Uh yeah for sure." I responded. Her eyes widened, "wait you had no idea what would happen then, that shit could've gone off like some kind of magic nuke!" She hollered. "Oh come on this crap isn't magic Sar-ah." Ty said sarcastically annunciating her name. "Actually, it is kiddo." Brian spoke from behind us. "All of this is magic, take it from an old snake. Congrats Blake, it's nice seeing the void power." "Fucking what? Void? Like space or something?" Ty asked bluntly. "Sort of, yeah kinda. I'm not totally sure on that part, those texts were lost back during the crusades." He told her plainly. " I had a lot of interest in this team, so I followed at a distance. You all did well, it's time to head on back home." Ty grabbed her coat and the four of us walked back. I felt a confidence I never had before, I hope that it sticks.

A Curious turn of eventsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon