The news

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When we made it back, it was starting to get dark. The smell of smoke was strong as we neared camp. A campfire roared and crackled slightly. The group sat all around it all talking amongst themselves. One face I saw was Bennet's. He was smiling, exposing his rather large teeth as he laughed at one of Revy's jokes. We sat down with the rest of them as James and Jared offered us some crappy MRE snacks. "All we got." Jared spoke with a grin. I happily took a package, it was 'osmotic cranberries'. It could've been worse I suppose, as I hear Ty groan at her pick 'unsalted granola clusters'. As everyone told their stories for the day, Brian stepped up to grab the attention of the group. "I hate to ruin your fun but there's something that needs to be said. An issue has risen amongst our community. My contact in New Phoenix has told me that there is a group much like ours in the city. Only difference is this group is led by an Ancient." "What the hell does that mean?" Jared asked. "Well, amongst users there were originally the true elementals. These users know how bend the elements to their will at full force. Not only are they powerful, they're also immortal. Now they can die, but have to be killed. I haven't seen or heard anything about one in almost twenty years. This Ancient uses fire, specifically. He's taking in all the new users and teaching them to use their powers for violence. He aims to take the city." Silence fell as he spoke, everyone listened intently to every word he said. Ty sat up and stared at him with full attention. This man wants the city, we can't let that happen. Other groups have been formed and are en route to the city as we speak. I'm not here to make you soldiers, but I am asking- who's up for the job?" He asked everyone. "Me and Blake for freaking sure." Ty said shooting her hand straight up like he was a professor or something. Fuck, I guess I won't let her go alone. Revy and Bennet also put their hands up. Everyone else sat quietly. Lilly kept her head low, hoping no one was looking at her. "Alright, thank you. Priority here is not being seen so, Bennet, however you have to do it, do it." He said addressing Bennet. He nodded and put his hood up. "Look this shit is serious I would not blame you if you sat this one out. I will be accompanying you so no worries on what we're doing I will fill you in as we go. We leave tonight, late. You four should get some rest soon, the rest of you, carry on with your night. Elizabeth will keep you busy while we're gone." Elizabeth smiled at that, and made her way to the fire herself.

The group retired to the cabin not long after that. I climbed into by bed and pulled the covers up to my neck. It was cold in the room, the draft that came under the door was unforgiving. I took one last look around the room before bed. I saw Revy in her bunk, staring at Bennet in the dark. Curious, I thought, but none of my business I guess. Ty was still stirring about gathering clothes into a backpack, she bummed quietly to herself as she worked. "Think we'll be gone that long ??" I asked. She laughed, "No I'm just nervous. I knew I'd just lay there, so I figured I'd keep busy." I rolled my eyes and laid my head back down. I was nervous too, but for once I kept it to myself. My eyes grew heavy as the sounds of the world died down.

We piled into the van that was parked out front when we woke up. The four of us looked groggy, even Ty was dragging her feet. Brian hopped in the driver side and cranked the van up. When he did the radio turned on, it was playing an older country song. I sat back in my seat, next to Ty. Revy curled up in her seat and leaned her head on Bennet's shoulder. His eyes widened and looked over at her. Ty and I locked eyes, we both were thinking the same thing. Nevertheless, we were on our way.

After an hour or two we were in the city. New Phoenix was a hell of a place. Beautiful at night, the neon lights of the bar scene were mesmerizing. Brian parked beside a bar called 'Midnight Sun'. We hopped out and heard the sounds of muffled music and bass from the sound system inside. As we approached the door, a rather large man stopped us. "Drinks, or meeting someone." He asked. Brian walked up to held out a hand. The man shook his hand, "I'm here for Eleanor." The mans eyes looked around, as if to see if we were followed. "Back room on the left, you'll see her." He opened the door for us and the music finally hit us. It was so loud I could barely think, and the lights were blinding. The smell of marijuana smoke and beer was strong. We made our way past the crowd into the back room. As the door opened the room was filled with black light, and there was a group crowding a small table in the corner. Other than that, the room was empty, aside from a few stools and empty tables. An older woman stood up and greeted us, "Brian, and you all must be the team." She said hugging all of our necks. "Yes ma'am." We all said collectively. As we took our seats , she spoke again. "Let's get down to it shall we." "What's the situation?" Brian asked worriedly. "I'll just come right out and say it, he's making monsters. He's letting these new users lose every bit of themselves. He wants them to give fully to their gifts. I received these photos from my informant downtown." She pulled out an envelope full of pictures. My heart grew cold as I looked at them. The pictures were of a girl that looked like she lost every bit of humanity. She was elemental like Ty, but her gift had fully taken over. Her eyes glowed red and white, and her body was covered in metal looking spikes. Her teeth were sharp, she looked more animal than person. I looked up at Ty, her face was like she'd seen a ghost. "Could, that happen to me?" She asked. Eleanor looked up with a grin, "Why yes dear, but it won't. You'd have to fully give in, you'd have to want to become a monster." Ty's expression softened at that, I did feel worry in my own heart though. I've seen her get to close to that edge. "Are you ready for the job?" She asked us. "Yes of course. Are we out to pick a fight or find out more information." "Information. First and foremost. We have another team running interference so that you can slip in, and slip out. So, let's get started."

A Curious turn of eventsWhere stories live. Discover now