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I could barely sleep that whole night, not knowing where my best friend was. I hoped she wasn't stupid enough to go get herself killed but then again, this is Ty.

When we got out of bed the next morning, I saw that everyone but me and Sarah had gone out. She rolled over and looked at me, "Good-morning." She spoke softly. I looked at the sunlight that poured in the room, "it sure might be." I replied.

Ty's POV :

Man this guy is fucking stout. I felt a pounding in my head and blood trickled down the side of my face. He stood before me, blurred. Shaking his fist. This underground-ass fight club was gonna get me out of state if I played my cards right and make money. He swung a cross at my head and I ducked, catching his chin with an uppercut. He fell back, now's my chance. I jumped up to give him some kind of drop kick, but, he must've recovered quick. He grabbed my ankle and slung me across the room into the concrete, it crumbled on top of me. My body feels broken, and used up. I feel like I'm dying, fuck Blake I'm sorry.. just before he went for the kill, I noticed his fresh tattoo on his shoulder, a wolf dog looking thing, like the logo of those army goons. I felt my blood boil as a surge of energy hit my body. I jumped from the rubble and grabbed his neck, squeezing. My vision narrowed and pulsed. "Who are the Wolves. I know you fucking know." His eyes wide with shock, he then let out a small laugh, that grew with all the others in the room joining in. "You're in a den as we speak, girl." He growled. Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck. I hit him with all my might, I put his nose in his brain. Then the whole room seemed to come towards me, bring it assholes.

Blake's POV:

Police sirens were going off outside, when I peeked out the Window it looked like dozens all going downtown. What in the hell, could it be Ty? Before I brushed it off I got a phone call, it was James. I looked around the room and he wasn't there? I answer. "Hey are you okay where are you-" "Yo there is SOMETHING going on downtown, the old building on main is about to collapse and I hear a bunch of weird shit. Bring y'all's asses down here now. I shook everyone up and piled in the van. I hauled ass downtown, and prayed it was what I thought.

James was right, him and Jared were standing back recording like goons and I could hear it. It sounded like yelling and smashed of concrete like someone had a big ass hammer and was going to town. Finally just like a bomb. A surge of energy and one final scream before the roof came down on top of it. It sounded like some kind of monster- oh no Fuck.

I ran to the rubble and started looking. Cops swarmed me as the concrete near me started to shift, they started to cuff me and drag me back. I heard a deep low growl. "Ty?!" I hollered trying to get free. A concrete slab rose up an rolled down a persons back. Black shards covered her now, coming from everywhere. Her teeth were bared and sharp, not to mention her eyes glowed a bright yellow. "Ty get out of her run!" I yelled but it didn't get to her. "Get down on the ground now!" "What the Fuck is that?" "Get down now!" The police all yelled and scrambled. She grinned a toothy smile and a young officer drew his gun, aiming it. Her smile dropped and she was hyper focused on him. She looked more animal than anything. "Ty please calm down. Look at me." I spoke calmly trying to get her out of here before she killed everyone. She looked dead at me and one of her eyes went back to normal, one eyes glowed. "Blake-" just as she spoke a gunshot went off. I saw it hit her shoulder. She barely even flinched, but her focus wasn't on me anymore. Back to the beast, she moved so fast I barely saw her. I was knocked to the ground, and she had the officer off the ground by his throat. More officers drew their weapons, and everyone could see her now, the whole town. She bared her teeth and tore her teeth into his neck. When she pulled back he was leaking blood everywhere and she was covered. Gunfire erupted now, but it seemed to do nothing. "FUCK!" I yelled as bullets ricochet all around me, Ty noticed and seemed to snap somewhat out of it. She covered me, bullets struck all over and one seemed to pierce in her low side. Her eyes glowed again, but I reached up to her and held her face. She calmed, and shook her head. Grabbing me she took off towards the tree line. We moved so fast I barely figured out where we were. "Ty we can't leave the-" a tree branch struck my head, and I felt out. My eyes closed as I looked up at the pale moon above.

When I woke up it was sun up, and my cuffs were off. I looked out and the van was about twenty yards away, and we were at some old lumber mill. I looked for Ty but didn't see her. Sarah ran to the van in a hell of a hurry coming from the from door. I made my way over and heard a commotion in the room to the left. I saw Ty propped up to the wall, bloody. I couldn't tell if it was hers or.. She was pale, "What happened?" I asked running to her. "She got shot last night and lost a lot of blood running the both of you here. Sarah came in with a vial of green liquid. "I hope this works, other wise she's dead." "Is that Revy's blood?" James asked turned white in the face. She nodded and poured it in Ty's wound. She reached out to me and I grabbed her hand. "Blake, I'm so sorry. I love-" her eyes crossed sort of and closed, and her hand dropped to her side. "Ty?! No fuck no TY!" I yelled. I felt energy come from everywhere on my body as I expelled it. My heart felt shattered as tears rolled down my face. "Blake, she's gone, I think." Sarah's head went low.

I crumbled to the ground on my knees. I was torn apart by this. We had to bury her proper, I need- just as I was lost in my own emotions, she yelled out. Her screamed echoed almost everywhere. Her eyes turned yellow, and her teeth bared. Her canines were much longer now, like a vampire from Hollywood. I grabbed her cheeks and held her head. She stopped almost immediately. Her eyes locked with mine, tears welled up. Her eyes turned back to their natural color and her teeth formed back. "Blake.." she said tears in her eyes. "Did I hurt you?" She asked. "Oh come on now, after all that your worried about me?" I asked with a light laugh. I pulled my hands back, the blood caked on her cheeks was now on my hands, and she saw it. "What's that from?" She asked. Everyone looked around, "there was an incident downtown, that's how we found you." Sarah said calmly. "You killed an officer." My heart sank, she didn't need to know that right away. Her eyes lowered in thought. "No wait I remember, I killed that wolf fucker in the warehouse. I found out what they're up to. Then it went black, I must've killed all of them." She responded. "I don't remember police.." "How many wolves was it?" Jared asked. "Fuck, must've been twenty or so, if you didn't see anyone but me, then I finished that den out." She stared at her hands, cut up and covered in someone else's blood. I covered her in a coat, "we need to get her out of here and cleaned up. We have to move." I told the group.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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