He smirks back. "I can make you louder tonight,"


It had been a few hours since you and Bakugou's encounter. The party was in about 10 minutes, and you were getting ready.
Since your brother still wasn't feeling well, and you would have puked your guts out if you were in the same room as him, Kirishima volunteered to trade rooms with you. Of course, neither you nor Bakugou was against the idea. So Kirishima brought your suitcase into Bakugou's room because you didn't want to go into the room.

You had just gotten out of the shower, and after drying off, you threw on the dress that Mitsuki had given you. You then proceeded to blowdry and style your hair and put on a little bit of makeup. A little more than you normally wear. (If you don't wear makeup, ignore that last sentence)

Under your dress, you have your utility belt from your hero costume. You bring it everywhere, just in case. You don't think that you will need it, but it never hurts to be a little prepared.

(This is what I imagine your dress to look like)

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(This is what I imagine your dress to look like)

When you are finally finished, you step out of the bathroom and see Bakugou fumbling with a tie. You chuckle slightly.
Since you could not do up your dress in the bathroom by yourself, you waited to do your hair and makeup, then come out and ask Bakugou to help you.

You walk over to him and tease him a little for not knowing how to tie a tie.

"Oh fuck off," he says as he takes it off and throws it back on the hanger his suit came on.

"You're not gonna ask for my help?" You ask, teasingly.

"Tch," he turns away.

You giggle a little at the annoyed blond. "Can you zip me up?"

He rolls his eyes and motions for you to turn around. You do and lift your hair out of the way, while he zips the zipper on your dress, closing it. He places a simple peck on the back of your neck, causing you to chuckle.

You turn to the mirror to fix your hair a little, then you turn to grab your phone, and notice it is at 10%. "Shit,"

"Hm?" he hums.

"I'm gonna leave my phone here. It's almost dead," You say as you walk over to your charger and plug your phone in.

As you are doing that, Bakugou pulls out his phone and checks his battery. As he walks over to his charger, he says "Yea, me too. I'm at 15%"

You stand up and walk over to the door. "Let's hope Sharky is bringing his," Bakugou walks over to you, and the two of you walk down to your old room where Kirishima was now staying in.

When you get there, you knock on the door and hear footsteps and the sound of Kirishima's voice saying goodbye to B/N. Then the door opens, and Kirishima walks out wearing his suit. "Wow, you guys look amazing," He says as closes the door.

The three of you start walking through the hotel, with Kirishima slightly in the lead.
You are walking for a little while when Bakugou asks him "You're absolutely positive we are going the right direction?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure?" Kirishima said, questioning his own ability to find the party while rubbing the back of his neck.

"You're pretty sure?!" Bakugou called out annoyed.

"Well I left my phone back in the room, so we're going on instinct here," You sigh. "Hey, Y/N. Your dad's company is a big sponsor for this. Have you been here before?"

"Once, when I was like 6. You expect me to remember where to go. I can barely remember what I eat for breakfast this morning. Let alone how to get around an island I went to 9 years ago," You roll your eyes.

The three of you continue to wander around the hotel looking for the reception. You eventually make it to the 80th floor, in a room with plants covering the whole room, head to toe. It looks like a greenhouse on a spaceship.
While in there, you also see 2 larger male-looking people standing in front of an elevator.

"Hey, we see you. Dumb kids," One of them says, almost villain-like.

"What'd you say-" Kirishima cuts Bakugou off, by placing a hand in front of him stopping him from walking.

"Hey man, just leave this to me. Ok?" Kirishima turns to the two humans standing at the elevator. "Hey, we kinda got lost looking for this party. Could you point up in the right direction?"

The 2 people stand there for a moment, whispering to themselves, then one turns to us and say "Don't lie to us, or you'll regret it," As they spoke, their hand started to grow, air particles started to form around their hand, and they raised their hand as if about to throw the air at us.

I turn away and use my arms as a shield to protect my face from getting injured. As a reflex.

Words: 1460

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I wanted to let you guys know that I started a new story. I don't remember if I told you this already, but I'm telling you now. In the story, I take songs and turn them into stories. It's called Songs to Stories. Go check it out if you want. I think it is a kinda cool concept. It shouldn't impact the story's or my other story's uploads. It is more of a passion project than a serious story. Speaking of a serious story, I am plotting a new story. (Again, I don't know if I told you yet, but I'm telling you anyways) It is about Bakugou's daughter. With a new oc for Bakugou's wife. I have been working really hard on it, and I'm not really halfway done yet. Although it is very dramatic already. I am really excited to start writing it. Anyways, thank you for 12k reads. I want to do that q+a, so please ask me questions. I only have 2 so far. It would mean the world to me. I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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