"They did all that to a little boy?"

"When they looked at him they didn't see a little boy. All they saw was a monster so they treated him like one and in time he learned from their hatred to act like one. That's why he can just eat humans without any empathy. Because all he's known from them is hate. However as much as he hates human beings, he hates himself more than anything in the world." 

With each word Husk spoke Charlotte could hardly bear it. 

"Husk I think he might need some ointment." They heard Niffty call from upstairs. "Can you help me get it? It's on a high shelf."


They both left to fetch the ointment. Charlotte then slowly went back upstairs and re-entered Alastor's bedroom. He was still out cold, she sat by his bedside and soaked some cloth in the bowl of water Niffty had left. She gently pressed the cloth to his forehead and began to use the towels to clean his cuts and scratches. The whole time she did this her mind wondered back to Husk's words and she could not help but imagine Alastor as a child suffering such cruel atrocities. How could anyone possibly bring themselves to hurt a child? Sometimes Charlotte could understand why people would hurt each other because from what she heard it was usually because of greed, selfishness, and hatred. But children, children were the ultimate innocent. They never meant any harm or ill will toward anyone. Not like adults. So why hurt them?

"Why are you crying?"

At once Charlotte's thought process was interrupted by the sound of a someone's voice and she saw that Alastor had awakened at last. 

"Good you're awake." She said relieved and her relief confused him. "How do you feel? Do you hurt anywhere?"

"Why are you crying?" He asked again ignoring her questions.

It wasn't until he asked that a second time, that she then put her hand to her face and felt the tears streaming down her cheeks. Causing her to realize that she had in fact been crying. She just couldn't help it. The mere thought of any child being hurt even if said child grew up to be a cannibal like Alastor, was enough to bring tears to her eyes alone. However it also just thinking about how much pain Alastor had lived with looking the way he did.

"I'm sorry." She said wiping her tears away.

"You're crying because of me aren't you? Because I scared you?" He said.


"Don't lie to me. Please. I'd rather know the pain of the truth than live in the cold comfort of a lie."

"I'm not lying. I mean yes you are the reason my tears but it's not at all what you're thinking. I was crying because before now I never realized how much you suffered."

"What are you talking about? I'm not suffering."

"Look who's lying now." She weakly teased.

"I do not lie."

"Then you must be living in denial because I know you're suffering. What I saw last night proves it. You did scare me but what had me so frightened was that you were hurting yourself and that you could have died."

Alastor looked at her completely astonished. 

"You mean...You're shedding tears...For me? You're crying for me? You actually care if I live or die?"

"Yes." She gently took hold of his hand with both her own. "Oh promise me you will never do anything like that again. Please! I'm not bothered by your appearance! Not anymore! So there's no need to feel so ashamed. I'll do anything you ask only don't ever hurt yourself again."

Alastor had the blink a few times to make sure that he wasn't still asleep and now dreaming. This couldn't be real right? No human could on earth, let alone a beautiful young woman could possibly care for him. Not to a degree that his pain would give her tears. Not to a degree that it would matter to her whether or not he lived or died. It was impossible. Or at lest that's what he always thought.

"If you...If you wish it my dear then it will be so." 

She smiled at him with so much relief and softness. It caused a strange stirring in his heart. An emotion that he had never felt before.


The moment was ruined by the arrival of Husk, Niffty, and now Anthony.

"Are we intruding on something?" Anthony asked with a playful smirk. 

"No. Not at all." Charlotte said letting go of Alastor's hand while blushing. "I was just taking care of him until you all came back."

"My lady if you're hungry I've already brought your breakfast to your room." Niffty said. 

"Thank you. I'll go eat it now. Excuse me everyone."

With that said she hurried out of the bedroom.

"So did we miss anything interesting?" Anthony's smirk spread.

"Anthony for once in your life can't you get your mind out of the gutter?" Alastor asked.

"Hey don't try to pull one over me sir, I know pheromones when I smell em. They radiate off of Vagatha whenever I'm around her. That's how I know she likes me."

"Yes like a dog likes fleas." Husk joked.


"I can't believe she actually cared enough about me to...to..." Alastor was in shock. "I wanna do something special for her." 

"Well sir you already give her clothes and jewelry." Anthony said. "What's more special than that?"

"Oh Anthony he means something meaningful." Niffty said. "Something that shows he really cares and listens."

"Right. But what exactly?" Their master said thinking. "I don't want to give her something that says I'm just trying to buy her happiness. It has to be something she would sincerely enjoy."

He thought long and hard until at last an idea arose. 

"Perfect! I have to work on it right away!" He moved to get up.

"Oh no you're not going anywhere." Niffty said urging him to lie back down. "What you did last night will require you to take it easy for the rest of the day. You let us handle it."

"Oui, oui mon capitaine." Anthony said. "Just give the order and we'll fall into line."

"Alright. Here's what I want you to do." Alastor began.

Later that night at dinner Alastor invited Charlotte to spend the next day with him and that he had a very special surprise for her. She not only agreed but appeared to be very excited. So excited that the next morning when Niffty came to her room to her, her breakfast she found her already at the wardrobe trying to pick out a gown to wear.

"My goodness my lady." Niffty giggled. "Do none of your gowns please you? Would you like Anthony to sew you something new?"

Oh no they're all wonderful." Charlotte said as she combed through the wardrobe. "I'm just not sure which one would be suitable for today."

"Suitable for today?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

"Well yes. I'm assuming that today is supposed to be very special since Alastor has something planned for me. So I should look my best right? To show that I appreciate his efforts."

"Of course." The maid replied with false belief of her mistress's words. "If I may make a suggestion, the rose gowns are the ones he finds to be the most lovely on you."

Charlotte blushed at what Niffty was implying with that suggestion. 

"Niffty I'm not-"

"Forgive me my lady but I don't have time to chat anymore. Once I start your bath I must attend to the windows. They are in desperate of dusting. Oh and by the way my master will be escorting from your room today so please be ready when he comes. A lady shouldn't keep a gentleman waiting when he's prepared something for her."

Poor Charlotte's blush intensified. 

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