🕰⏳Chapter 30⏳🕰

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When All Might in his weird ass form walked in the room, I new a headache would start tormenting me, the man looked reluctant to be here and it was clear that he still thought I am the little boy that he shattered the hopes and dreams early that day, the same meak boy who would never be able to hurt a fly.

"Tsukauchi, why did you ask me to talk with this boy? My time is almost up you knwo?"

Detective Tsukauchi that reentered the room with the blonde sighed 

"All Might, this is Izuku Midorya, he is aware about your quirk and All For One, he isn't here to fanboy over you, the boy just want something that belongs to him back"

Tsukauchi said clearly starting to get uncomfortable 

"And what would this boy need from someone like me? I don't think I can help him, and why the hell did you tell this kid my secret? You are not offering my quirk because if you ar-"

"All Might sir, I don't want or need your quirk, I want my necklace back because of a promise that I made for a friend"

He looked completely horrified 

"No, no, no, no! That was a gift from my mentor, what you said is all a lie, never will I give it to you, I won't sell it to a museum is not like I'll give it to you, so don't come with this give it "back"bullshit!"

'So you are going to make things difficult'

I had only one choice, I had to get this back, so I just took it, I took the necklace away from the thief, I jumped at him and took off the necklace, in a moment I was back in the ground holding the small pin securely in hands.

"Since you wanted the things in a hard way, I believe is time for you to leave"

"Tsukauchi stop him! He stole it" 

"Calm down, Toshinori, hey he just got his thing back"

"but Nana"


"You don't understand!" 

"All Might out Now!"

With that, the man left the room completely angered by the whole situation, mumbling  something between the lines of, "if my quirk haven't decided to break, I would punch that brat"

I carefully opened my necklace and opened the little pin, I took the letter out just to make sure no one opened it, for All Might's luck it was just as I remembered



The detective left once again, he said he would be picking more people that wanted to talk to me, I would guess that it will be Tenko and his father or only the boy since they would be the only that would have any connection with the case....

The door flew open and three people entered, Eraserhead, Tenko and poor Tsukauchi

"Tenko! Is good to see you again! How have you been doing" I hugged him, I missed you!"

"Y-you are him?  You are really Izuku a-and you actually r-remember me, I-i've been waiting for s-so long to meet you, t-thank you..."

Tenko's POV-

In all my life, I don't think I have ever been so happy about going to the police station, fortunely I believe that dad feels the same, he had a white knuckle grip in the car and has been driving like a maniac.

When we arrived, I saw uncle Yagi completely furious mumbling something between  "Thief and brat" But I ignored in favor to follow a ver tired  Tsukauchi to one of thos eprivate rooms  where usually the pro heroes do the interrogation.

When I enterred the room I saw a mop of green hair with bright big green eyes that looked at me as if reading a book

"Tenko! Is good  to see you again! How have you been doing?" He hugged me "I missed you!"

"Y-you are him? You are really Izuku a-and you actually r-remember me, I-i've been waiting for s-so long to meet you, t-thank you..."

The hug was warm, it reminded me of when we did this as a child, even if he is the small one this time, I had a breakdown as he rubbed my back in circles whispering nice things to make me feel better, I missed this, it felt great, it might be childish but who cares?

Aizawa's POV-

When my son called me with his voice cracking saying that "Izuku is finally here" That was enough to get meyself out of the teacher's lounge and get my car to pick him up, because this is something very important to my son, the boy who put the teen at the top of his hero ranking, the boy who made sure to ask for luck talking to a letter in his wall.

When we arrived, Tsukauchi brought us to the room where the boy was waiting, I decided to give the two of them privacity, Tsukauchi left as well so the two were alone, the man looked tired but he had to deal with All Might's bullshit.

"Are you crazy,? That brat stole my necklace!" 

"All might, the necklace belongs to him"

'So All Might is having a bad day..? What a shame'

I decided to take a sit in the lounge and ended up falling asleep


"Dad, dad, wake up! It's time for us to leave, Izuku just left!" My eyes opened slowly and I saw my son smiling  goofily at me with red puffy eyes, he looked so happy...

I got up slowly and got my keys "Come on, you are telling me about the meeting tomorrow, now is late and you should go back to your boyfriend" 

Izuku's POV-

I arrived home late at night, the house was dark and empty but this time I didn't feel lonely anymore, I went into my room and sighed

"Mrs. Geek! My princess I missed you...."

The end

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