🕰⏳Chapter 21⏳🕰 (The aftermath part 4)

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I don't like this! Why do I have to go out with All Might? I don't even know the guy! Why does he looks like a skeleton? I do not accept such a punishment I swear I didn't do anything wrong! Why do I have to deal with the buffoon?

"Are you ready for our day young Shimura?" 

'Aizawa it's Shimura-AIZAWA for the love of god'

I looked at pops and dad and slowly mouthed H E L P they pretended that they didn't see it.

I felt completely betrayed by my father, me and All Might or Yagi whatever, alone together the whole day? Woah I swear I'm going to burn his sleeping bag

The first place the man brought me was his agency because he clearly didn't get the idea that I'm not much of a fan, at least I have to admit that the place is huge full of new people working around like a huge anthill. Some people looked completely exhausted some looked extremely excited and some looked like it was the worst day of their lives, those were mostly the people that had a pile of boring paper work just resting by their tale, but there was a man there that got my attention, the man in the middle of all this boring ants was radiating disappointment and anger looking directly to All Might, what happened?

He has a scowl in his face and an ugly green hair with yellow and is that a resting bitch face or is he just a bitch himself? Why is he so tall? He is an offence for basketball players!

"All Might! What were you thinking? You should be resting! I told you not to leave your house!" He finally noticed me "And who is he?" All Might who finally recollected himself answered as he sweat bullets 

"This is young Shimura, I decided it would be good for him to meet you and Torino so please uhm, say hi?" So this man is one of his friends?

"I'm Sir Nighteye, All Might's sidekick" He clearly didn't want me here so I just decided that I should present myself with the same venom he decided to use

"I'm Aizawa-Shimura Tenko" The man nodded and decided to start whispering shit to All Might, and here I thought that heroes new basic manners? Speaking to each other like I am not even here, so rude...

I don't like the stupid sidekick, he thinks he is someone important, ridiculous NPC

After a whole ass minute of talking, both man turned back to me, one looked smug while the other looked a mix of surprised and offended 'what a mess'

They both guided me into an elevator and pressed the highest floor, there were at least six security systems before the machine actually started moving and so I left my brain to start wondering what will happen, this until the doors opened and I saw a short shadow of a very old hero

Nighteyes' POV-

I was a normal day at All Might's agency, people are being overworked because the man finally had a break and the paperwork finally started appearing but it was still a normal day.

This was until All Might himself appeared in the middle of my lunch break and the worst part, he was out of his form! He should be resting!

He came closer to me with that nervous and awkward smile that made me know that he was aware of what he did wrong, I started talking to him until I noticed a child looking annoyed as he was side to side with ALL MIGHT the disrespect!

"And who is he?" 

"This is young Shimura, I decided it would be good for him to meet you and Torino so please uhm, say hi?"

"I'm Sir Nighteye, All Might's sidekick" I answered with a blank face because this disrespectful thing couldn't come from sweet Nana's family

He told me his name but I was to focus with what was happening to care, I turned to Toshinori because the man had serious things to explain

"Look, the boy was in You-Know-Who's hands and was saved some time ago, he is the last thing I have from here, he has her face, her hair is coming back even some of his way of acting! But Aizawa won't let me keep the boy as my kid, so please be nice so that he won't hate me more than You-Know-Who already made him do" I simply nodded numbly as we went forward to a very long day.

Gran Torino's POV-

Today my back was aching and my ears were working well meaning someone troublesome was coming near, what I didn't expect was Nighteye looking completely exhausted Zygote looking proud and a child, a goddamn child was with them and the boy looked bored as hell! 

The kid looked like kissing a mutt's ass would be more interesting than being here at the moment

"Toshinori what the hell are you doing here?!"

Before the dumb zygote started explaining himself Nighteye came to save him

"Apparently All Might decided that it would be a good idea to bring Nana's grandson here at their first meeting"

Wait, wait, this is Nana's grandson? How did he find this boy? 

"Toshinori how and when did you meet him? Doesn't he have parents? Did he agree to this? Did you ask him about his opinion at all? You damn moron!"

Now he looked embarrassed, the idiot

"Come on child, apparently this will take a long time and I'm not sure if my legs will handle much more" The boy smiled and sat by my side, he does reminds me of Nana...

Just like that, we all passed the afternoon together


Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed

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