🕰⏳Chapter 8⏳🕰

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Warning: Kinda Gory 

I walked side by side with doctor Garaki, the man was an amazing doctor, kinda crazy but still, if he didn't go to the dark path, I swear he would be a fantastic doctor and one of those prestigious hospitals.

I decided to go to the corridor where I could see the Nomus, there were more than I thought and this was a problem, not for me because even if they actually saw me, they don't seem hostile right now, they look almost dead, but them, I remembered.

'those creatures will be the villains next weapon and if this thing is as strong as Hisashi told Tomura we are screwed!' I had only one chance of getting rid of this monstrosities and now was the time, so, I picked my pocket knife and got rid of any thoughts of them still being human.

I creeped slowly to the side of the Nomu and slowly raised my knife at the top of it's head, with one swift move, I stabbed through the brain, blood started spilling in the floor and in my clothes and the Nomu who still didn't have a reaction fell dead in the cold and red floor, for the first time, I didn't feel bad when I killed a bug, because this time, my morals were in my way.

I noticed how each Nomu had their own body structure, some got wings, some got horns, some got wings and one had a fucking chainsaw! I took my time to take notes on them, in the end of the corridor, there was some kind of book full of information on it, I picked him and put him in my back pack who works like an invisible cape from Harry Potter, even if is mostly destroyed and only brought by accident.

As I walked out, I put my pocket knife back were it should be and took a minute to look at myself in the mirror, I literally looked like a just came out of a horror movie, my clothes were ripped and bathed in blood, my face that was already bruises had drips of the red liquid, my eyes were unfocused and I looked like a crazy person, well at least it matches with a person that killed at least twenty Nomus with a pocket knife, basically I needed a shower.

I guess this appearance wouldn't hurt to be the last thing that Hisashi will feel before hell, but first, I have to make sure that Kuroguiri and Garaki show me their blood


Kuroguiri and Garaki were at another room, they were talking about Hisashi's critical condition, the man was unstable and unconscious right now, the only thing that is keeping him alive is the tubes plugged in his throat to make sure he is breathing.

Kuroguiri was stressed out because he couldn't find Tomura which made him distracted, I decided to use this as a way to get him easier, so I got a screwdriver and waited for the second he turn back. When he did, I quickly ran into him and stabbed the metal of his suit, killing him in the same second.

Garaki who watched the whole scene tried to escape, but Izuku had already grabbed the pocket knife and quickly stabbed the villain in the heart, getting his face splashed with a fountain of blood.

Izuku only stayed sane because his mind would repeat the same words again and again "They kill and kidnap for fun, they deserve no pity"

I cleaned by pocket knife in my clothes and keep it in hands, I walked through the building killing anyone that dared to pass through me, no one should be alive when I leave this place, this night I learned the cons of technically being a four years old child.

Me, Izuku Midorya, this night have killed 99 mans with no pity, and more them 20 Nomus, the number 100 was just waiting, from now own, there will be no boggie man of the underground.

I went near Hisashi's bed and gave him my best smile, because conscious or not he deserve it, I slowly raised my knife and stabbed him through the head just like the Nomus because they are equal beings, both mindless monsters, looking for power, then I stabbed through his heart opening a whole to watch it stop beating.

The last thing I did was send a message to my mother saying that I, Hisashi want her back with me, that will only arrive in seven years, I spilled toxic combinations in the floor that create dangerous gases for a surprise for my dear mother who died after a poisoning reaction, how pitiful!

I went near Hisashi and touched him in a place were there was no blood, soon the time machine started working and the world slowly went black...


Thank you for reading and I am sorry for the gore?

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