🕰⏳Chapter 28⏳🕰

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It was morning when my phone started ringing like a freaking school bell, it was six, six in the goddamn morning when older me started calling me for an unknown reason, wait, older me called me for an unknown reason? The Baby

"HelloHey little me, you finally picked the phone! Sorry for the timing but the baby is heathy and Mei is sulking for her kids, so I asked Toshi to pick you all at 9am, hope is not at problem!" A deep breath was heard as he finally stopped muttering nonsense

"It's no problem, I'll prepare the kids and wait for him, give Mei a hug for me and congratulations! see you soon!" I turned off the phone and started getting ready

I put on some conformable clothes, brushed my hair and tidied my room

'Time to wake up the kids'

When I got to their room, I found the robots already waking them up and picking their clothes, the kitchen wasn't really different either, the robots were already doing my job as well.

Soon the kids were all in the table with their hairs brushed, clothes changed, having a healthy meal while the robots washed and tidied their rooms.

'Well, I guess robots do hold grudges'


At 9am, while we all waited in the living room, a tall man with purple hair that defines gravity appeared in my door, his name is Aizawa Hitoshi, Tenko's little brother apparently.

"Hey, you are mini Zu? Older you asked me to pick you all up, are you ready?" 

I smiled and nodded as I started picking up our presents for the baby, I smirked as the kids ran into him both yelling "UNCLE HITOSHI!"

"Hey buds, are you ready to visit Mei-chan?"


"Okay them, come on, let's go" With that, we all joined him in his car as he drove is through the city, It was still morning but there were lots of people there, some were going to work, some were kids going to school or the park, others were elders that were living their years that they have left.

'Is sad to remember that I have to leave this place...'

"Hey, we arrived! Get your things and wait with Mini Zuku while I park my car" 

They both nodded and slowly left the car, when both were out, Aizawa stopped me

"Hey, thank you for what you did for my brother, it really matters for me" I smiled, a genuine smile and said "Thank you for taking care of him Hitoshi-kun"


When we arrived in the hospital lobby, a nurse who looked to be around thirty guided us to the private room where Mei and Older me are.

She asked us to take our shoes and change our clothes to make sure no illness would be a rick for the newborn, our gifts got cleaned by professionals from the hospitals and after around ten minutes, we were finally allowed to go in.

The walls were white with some little flowers, the floor had a baby blue carpet, the bed was big and had a white mattress, beside it there was a crib , a television was in the wall in front of the bed and there was a little sofa by the widow.

"Hello Mei-chan, how are you doing?" Hitoshi asked quietly

"Hey Toshi! I good to see you" Mei said from. the bed, looking tired, which was weird for someone so energetic, but I guess having a baby had a cost on her.

Older me brought us inside and we finally were able to see the little bundle of joy. The boy had bright green eyes with Mei's pupils, he looked so small and peaceful

"What's his name?" I whispered

"His name is Mikumo, Mikumo Hatsume- Midorya" Older me said whit a small smile 

"Dad! Me, nii-chan and Zu made M-mikumo a present!" She handed her dad the music box and the teddy bear, the adults smiled and for most time, the kids watched their new sibling, it was such a lovely afternoon.


When it was almost time to go, I asked older me to follow me outside.

"Look, staying with you all was wonderful, I'll miss you all so much but I think that I should leave, I hope that one day I-i'll reach you 8sniff* life, t-thank you *sniff* s-s-so much!"

"Hey, hey, hey bud, it's okay, calm down, it's okay kid. I'm happy that you liked staying here, and I understand that you have to leave so don't feel bad okay? For us, for your future!" He smiled and hugged me

"For now, I believe you should give everyone a goodbye"

We went back to the room and I did as he said, I gave everyone a warm goodbye and slowly left the room with older me, he hugged me and thought me how to use the time machine properly, we spent our last couple minutes in silence until...

"Hey, how are you sure that you did the right thing?"

"You don't" I turned to him

"What do you mean?"

"You never know, you just have to trust your heart"

Silence again as I slowly turned on the machine

"See you in the future?" 

"I'll make sure of it"

The world didn't start going black, like always, no, it was all clear, the walls started shifting and soon I was once again a "ghost" running through the streets looking for my friend....

What if I could change the past?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora