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Izuku's POV-

I was near the school, one hour earlier than I should be here, breakfast? What is that? I know by now that the teachers won't care if he beat me so I am definitely not safe, my situation is poor, but at least I hope that I can have some peace today, maybe the stars will answer my request and I might be able to get away! Oh who am I kidding, I miss the Kacchan that society didn't corrupt.

When I arrived, as I expected, the class was empty and lights were still of, a detail that I made sure to leave that way for some one else to turn, I creeped to the place I sit, the dark corner In the right side of the classroom, the place were the teachers won't even notice if you are there and were the students throw their trash when they decide that throwing it at the garbage is a waste of time.

I got there and stayed quiet, trying to literally be one with the chair, people didn't need to look here if I hid myself, the only one that would care is Kacchan, only some time later people decided to arrive, they didn't notice me, so they were just making my job easier since now I had a wall of people to hide behind, now I just have to make sure that I won't fuck this plan up, which mean no muttering and no answering the teacher, I can't fall or talk to anyone and I have to be the last one to leave.

When Kacchan arrived, it took all my self control to make sure that I wouldn't flinch, he was mad, like really mad, something about his old hag forbidding him of going out with his friends because she had a dream that that she had a meeting with me, and now he is rilled up because he believes is all my fault, or as he calls me "Damn Deku, that useless scum" Yeah, a nice nickname for ex best friends!

He would look over to my sit and check for my presence, but I was already hidden, he would see me, well not until break, it happened when everyone came back from class, he noticed that I was sitting there, but it was my fault, unfortunately, I had lost my self control and I fell into a deep slumber losing the bell and getting caught, from now, I just had to prepare myself for the worst.

"Today we are going to talk about what do you want to do in the future, now WHO AM I KIDDING? You all want to be heroes!"

Everyone started cheering but Kacchan destroyed their fun...

"You extras won't be better than a side kick for a D-rated hero, I am the real deal here in this shitty school!"

"You are underestimating us Katsuki!?"

"I'll take you all single handed you extras!"

When class was over, I tried to escape, but of course, me as the lucky middle schooler ended with the face in the floor, than, suddenly I felt a kick in my stomach, felling the blood coming up in my throat the pain consumed me, I couldn't hear things properly anymore, I felt punches in my face and slowly my vision started fading, the bile in my throat coming up and the last thing I've heard was...

"If you want to be something useful, you should do society a favor and take a swam dive out of the roof and wish for a quirk in your next life" After that, I gave up fighting and the world went black

When I woke up, I found all my stuff destroyed by the door and that the class was over three hours ago, I left school limping with the rest of my backpack and some of the books that are still readable, I was full of star burns and nasty purple and green bruises, both eyes had a black circle around and my stomach felt like it was torn apart.

I passed under a bridge and heard some weird noises, I didn't know if it was because I couldn''t hear properly or if it was because my head felt funny, so I decided to ignore it, but them, one moment I was limping home, the other I was being captured by a slimy thing and I couldn't breathe anymore, suffocating slowly.

The world once again started going black and the last thing I heard was a really loud "SMASH!" And with that all my broken bones begged for help.


I woke up I was being slapped in the face by the number one hero! He probably thought I was dead because he looked utterly relieved that I actually woke up, but them I asked a question that changed everything

"A-all Might, I have a question" I said trying to look confident "My boy I really have to g-" "Can a quirkiness like me be something in the future?" He tensed, he looked at me like if he was disgusted...? "No, quirkiness people can't be anything but a liability to this world, but now, I have to go.." He said this as he left me there alone in that dark tunnel with all my hopes shattered like pieces of glass

If the number one hero says that I am useless, who will be able to tell him wrong? 'maybe everyone was right after all..." a damn such a great moment to start raining, just my luck!"I guess I should go home, mister snickers need to be feed after all, haha... come on legs work for me...


Hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading!

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