🕰⏳Chapter 14⏳🕰

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Izuku's pov-

after dinner, older me and Mei had to excuse themselves to go back to work while his kids stayed with me. Uki is a good kid, we both share a lot of interests like science fic movies and playing nerdy like video games, which is probably my fault.

We watched some Disney movies and ate a lot of popcorn, but, when it was time to turn off the tv, I made the mistake of refuse their begs for just another one and eded up being attacked by puppy eyes, which is now my nemesis, I failed to refuse their offer this time, I was weak.

When the movie was over, Shia was almost sleeping so I asked her brother to prepare her to bed while I tidy the room, I washed the dishes, cleaned the floor, threw the trash and turned of the TV, after that I went to check on the kids.

When I arrived in the girl's room, she was holding her tooth brush but was barely moving so I picked her up and helped her with the task. When I finished, I brought her to bed and tucked her while I read a book about a magical princess.

Slowly I left the room silently turning of the lights...

After that, I went into Uki's room, the boy was sitting in the floor holding a little robot, he had a screwdriver so my guess was that he was trying to fix it

"Hey buddy, do you want some help?"

He looked at me clearly surprised by my presence, he looked like he was holding back his tears and his hands were trembling

"Hey, what's wrong there?" He sniffed and the tears started rolling 

"M-my robot, mister Geko, he was my first construction and I dropped him and I can't fix him!" 

'Oh poor thing'

I gave the robot a look and quickly found the problem, apart of the "main frame" was broken, what I did? Simple, I got a spare one and connected into the robot, I turned the thing on and it worked. He game me a 10.000 gigawatts smile and started babbling about how thankful he is...

After he put the robot back into it's shelf, he slid in to bed and asked something that made me giggle "You know, since you are younger dad, do you think you can tell me some stories? I-i mean, is that every time I ask him he goes red and started stuttering about how embarrassing it was. And-" "Sure"

"Well, there was a time where me and Kacchan would play together a lot, we would play things like tag, hide and seek and forest explorer, those were our favorite games. One day, a new girl came into the neighbourhood, she was that type of kid that liked dress up, tea parties playing house, Kacchan had a crush on her and what can a six years old boy do to impress a girl? Well one day I was going to invite him to play in the lake, so I wnet to his house and saw him on a pick princess dress with fairy wings while holding a doll and blushing as the girl gave him a pick in the cheek because she had to go"

Uki was laughing so hard that he started wheezing 

"I can picture this!... For the love of god... do you have a.... picture?!" 

"I wish!"

when we calmed down, I've decided that it was his turn to tell me a story

"What about you, do you have a good one with you? I want to hear one too!" I begged to him

"Give me a minute to think!" He now was really focused , it was almost funny to see his black face as he thought about stuff, suddenly he clicked his tongue and started

"When I was around six, my sister was too young to be left alone while mom and dad went to work, so uncle Sho and uncle Toshi would take care of us!

One day, my sister forced the two to watch Frozen with us, it was a fun movie, so we all enjoyed, the point is that uncle Hitoshi said that just liking it was not enough, so he brainwashed uncle Shoto and made him built a miniature of the castle in our backyard! 

Mom and dad didn't like the idea, so they forbidden the two to watch frozen again, the best part was that the castle stayed during the whole winter!" 


"Was it fun at least?" 

"Hell yea-"

Mei's pov-

It was really late at night, I felt really bad for leaving the kids with mini Izu, but what I wasn't expecting was to find Shia already sleeping in her room and the cutest scene I have ever witnessed.

I saw my older son hugging mini Izu as he told him some stories, that was the moment that I've realised that I shouldn't have doubted him, he is just the sweet kid that I fell in love with...

I slowly left the tow as I went to my room to have some rest


Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed!

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