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Song: Do I Wanna Know? - Artic Monkeys

I sprinted through the woods with no idea where I was going.

Behind me I could hear teenagers shouting and the sound of footsteps coming after me.

Forming an idea in my head, I changed directions, running towards the lake Octavia had shown me.

Water felt like family, I was as familiar with it as I was the back of my hand. If there was any place where I could take shelter, it would be there.

I reached the lake in record time and paused, listening to make sure no one was following.

I could still hear the teenagers, but they seemed to be getting further away.

I submerged myself in the water.

One good thing about being the daughter of Poseidon, I could hide underwater for days if I had to.

Hopefully I don't.

I allowed myself to sink to the bottom of the lake, simply taking a minute to lay there. It was the first true moment of peace I had had since, well, forever.

The moment passed when I heard Bellamy's voice above me.

"If there was anywhere she was going to hide, it would be here," He was standing on the edge of the lake talking to Miller. "Octavia took her here on her first day, it's the only place she knows."

I mentally reached out to the weeds in the water and willed them to cover me so I couldn't be noticed from the surface.

Miller looked around, "Well unless she's really good at holding her breath, she's not here."

Bellamy looked at the water and hesitated before taking his jacket off, "I'll dive in and see if she's under there."

Miller grabbed his arm, "Whoa, Bellamy wait. How about you keep looking through the woods, I'll stay here in case she comes. And, if somehow she is under the water, she has to come up eventually."

Bellamy glanced in my general direction one more time before sighing and putting back on his jacket, "Knowing her she'd probably just drown out of spite," He muttered under his breath before disappearing through the trees.

What the hell was I going to do now?

You know, ironically enough, I had always had a fear of drowning.

What if one day my abilities stopped working? It's a terrifying thought.

As I lay there in the water, I started half panicking thinking about it.

I almost swam up to the surface again but then decided against it.

In all honesty, Bellamy was probably right. Even if my powers did stop working I probably would just drown out of spite.

I'm not quite sure what that says about me.

With nothing to occupy it, my mind was scattering in every direction.

I could win in a fight against Miller, but if I came up now he would wonder how I managed to stay under this long.

Hey wait, I had an idea.

I made sure I was wet and then rose out of the water, gasping loudly.

Miller jumped in shock as I pulled myself onto the shore.

"How in the everloving f-"

"I have good breath control,"
I interrupted him.

Miller shook his head in disbelief.

"You know what, it doesn't even matter. You need to come with me," He slowly approached me as I stood to face him.

"Sorry Miller, but I can't do that. You need to let me pass."

We slowly circled eachother like birds eying their prey.

"I wasn't asking."

"Neither was I."

Miller made the first move, stepping towards me and reaching to grab my wrist.

I let him, then placed my hand over his and flipped him over onto his back.

Miller groaned and pushed himself back up, "You've done this before."

It wasn't a question, but I shrugged, "A few times."

He sighed, "Look, I really don't want to get beaten up by you, but if Bellamy finds out I let you go he'll kill me himself."

"Well, I won't be around to tell anyone," I shrugged.

"He will find you eventually, y'know.
I doubt he'll stop until he does."

I laughed, "The only thing he cares about is that I managed to escape on his watch. His ego will recover in a day or two."

Miller looked at me in confusion, "You really have no idea, do you?"

I didn't know what he was talking about but I had to convince him to let me go.

"Look, it'll be our secret okay? I swear on my mother's grave."

Miller's guard dropped slightly as he looked at me with something close to sympathy, "Your mother's dead?"

I nodded.

He hesitated for an agonisingly long time before stepping aside and motioning for me to run.

"You have a ten-minute head start before I tell Bellamy I saw you running through the woods," He said to me.

I nodded in understanding, "Thank you, Miller."

"Good luck."

I began walking until I reached the cover of the trees so Miller could no longer see me. Then, I took off.

I ran for a few minutes before stopping and looking around.

As I stood, figuring out where the hell to go from here, my gaze was drawn to an extra tall tree.

I guess climbing the lava wall over and over again at Camp Half-Blood was about to come in handy.

I grabbed the lowest hanging branch and hoisted myself up, repeating the process until I was towering above the ground.

Being this far up in the sky was making me nervous, but at the moment I was willing to risk Zeus's wrath, if he even existed here.

A few more minutes went by and I heard Miller running through the woods shouting Bellamy's name.

Somehow, once again, they both managed to meet directly under my tree.

Tyche really isn't on my side today.

Thankfully, neither of them thought to look up, they never do.

"What is it? Did you find her?"
Bellamy grabbed Miller's shoulders.

"I spotted her running that way," Miller pointed to where I had been heading before I made the impressively smart decision to climb a tree.

Bellamy quickly gathered all of his loyal subjects and spread them out to start searching in that direction.

I was engrossed in watching them from up in my tree.

I didn't hear movement behind me until it was too late.

As I turned around, I was met with a blow to the head. The last thing I remember was starting to slip and being caught and dragged away through the branches, the people on the ground not noticing a thing.

(A/N: Ooh who do you think Cleo was captured by?

And also for anyone who doesn't know, Tyche is the Greek goddess of luck and chance.

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