Past, Present, And An Entire New Reality

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Song: Maniac - Conan Gray


So apparently, according to Clarke, the teenagers are from space.

I'd be more sceptical if I wasn't a daughter of Poseidon from a different reality.

They're all juvenile criminals.
100 of them were sent down in a dropship to test whether Earth is habitable after the majority of human civilisation died in a nuclear blast 97 years ago.
Grounders are people who were already living on Earth as opposed to a giant spaceship called the Ark.
No one knows how they survived, but they did. And so far they haven't been friendly.

At least the "Earth" comment from Bellamy made a little more sense now.

After giving me a brief rundown, Clarke and Bellamy left me with a "guard."

Clarke said she needed to go check on someone named Monty's progress. Apparently, he had taken off a wristband that was monitoring her vitals so they could try to communicate with the Ark.

And Bellamy said he had better things to do than babysit me all day. He was currently roaming somewhere outside the dropship I woke up in. Most likely striking fear into small children's hearts.

I had refused to tell either of them anything more than what I already had.

It made Bellamy mad, but I feel that he would've been angrier if I tried to tell him that I was a Greek demigod from another reality with magical powers.

Trying to prove my powers was also currently not an option. I didn't want to reveal I had magic without being sure of people's reactions. I'd rather not be burned at the stake.

I felt I was going insane just sitting and doing nothing. My "guard" had gotten strict orders from Bellamy not to let me go anywhere so he had been watching me with an uncomfortable intensity for about an hour now.

My ADHD brain was dying.

I gave a sigh and looked at the boy, he was probably about 16, maybe 17.

"I need to pee," I smiled charmingly at him.

"I- uh, what?" He stumbled over his words.

I sighed, clearly, he didn't have a very high IQ. Perfect.

"I. Need. To. Pee," I carefully articulated my words. "So unless you want me to do it here, you need to let me out of the dropship."

"But- but Bellamy said-" he started to look uncomfortable. "Bellamy said you have to stay here."

"Well, you can be a creep and come with me if you really want to,"
I shrugged.

Manipulating monsters was one of my specialities. Turns out people are just as easy to sway, although I feel slightly worse about it. Especially considering Bellamy will most likely kill him when I don't return.

Eh, this guy is annoying anyway.

I offered up my most innocent smile,
"Pleaseee," I begged. "You'll be my hero, and I'll come straight back."

The boy sighed. "Fine," He said reluctantly. "But right back, you hear? Or Bellamy will have my head."

"Oh my gods, thank you!"

I got up and headed for the drape-covered entrance with no clue what to expect on the other side.

I pushed back the material and stepped through, blinking at the sudden, blinding light.

When my eyes had adjusted, I looked around curiously.

Teenagers were everywhere. Most were doing something useful like chopping wood, others were just walking around aimlessly and trying to avoid a scary-looking guy who was overseeing the teenagers.

He couldn't have been more than 17/18 himself, but he gave off distinct asshole vibes.

He wasn't doing any work himself, only yelling at everyone else whenever they stopped to catch their breath.

I despise people like this.

Watching him, I shuddered and squeezed my palms, sweat beading on my forehead. My vision zoomed in and out and I shut my eyes tightly.

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

I ran down the narrow hallway, looking frantically for a place to hide. I could hear him behind me, he was drunk and stupid but I knew from experience that there was still no escaping.

I ran into the bathroom and shut the door. There was no lock.
I opened one of the cupboard doors under the sink and tried to squeeze in.

The door burst open and I screamed before he covered my mouth and dragged me, kicking and screaming, out of the room.

He took me into the living room and spun me around to face him, slapping me across the face.

"Never try to run from me again, you little bitch, understand?" His face was an inch away from mine and I could smell the cheap beer on his breath.

I struggled against him but his grip was ironclad, he threw me against the wall.

He screamed.

I melted to the floor, sobbing as he approached me. There was no way out, only pain, only ever pain. I couldn't make it stop.

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

"Hey, what are you doing out here?"

I opened my eyes with a gasp and stared up at Bellamy who was frowning at me.

"I- uh-" I stammered, trying to remember what I was doing. I wiped under my eye, catching a tear before it fell, and took a deep breath, resuming my normal stance.

"I needed to pee, so I convinced your lapdog to let me out of the ship. Is that alright with you, Your Highness?"

I said in the most mocking tone I could manage.

"You're the one who was named after an Egyptian Pharaoh." Bellamy retorted.

"You're right," I said, pretending to ponder. "I guess I'll have to give you a new nickname then, how do you feel about Bells?"


"Too bad, that's what I'm calling you from now on."

Bellamy rolled his eyes.
"Whatever, I'm going to have a little "chat" with Noah."


Bellamy glared at me.
"Your guard."


Bellamy rolled his eyes again and stalked past me into the dropship.

"You're going to knock yourself out if you keep doing that!" I called after him.

He didn't bother to reply.

On the upside, I was free now. And I intended to get out of this hell hole as quickly as humanly possible.

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