Camaraderie- Part One

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You keep walking through the village and suddenly slip.

"Fuck!" you look at your palms and shake them to remove the gunk. You get yourself up and dust the mud off your pants. You roll your sleeves up and adjust your backpack. 

"There's no sign of life in these parts." you say. You pick up your hiking stick and let it guide you through the muddy path to avoid any potholes. You reach a street with an isolated house. When you see a light from within, you beam. You walk to the door and knock twice.

"Hello? I mean no harm! I just need a place to stay for the night. Is anyone there?"

You wait for sometime but are met with absolute silence. You readjust your backpack and get ready to turn around.

"Hello?" the door opens a crack and you see someone peeking through.

"Hi! I'm so sorry to bother you-"

"What is your business?" the voice was of a young girl.

"Oh, I just...nothing, I need a place to stay for tonight. I see you have a barn."

The girl doesn't answer. So, you sigh and continue "I won't be a bother, I promise. I'll leave first thing in the morning."

"You shouldn't-"

"Who is it, Elena?" a woman's voice calls out from inside. You hear footsteps approaching and the door fully opens.

"Hi. I'm so sorry to bother-"

"Yes, we heard you. What is it that you want?" the woman seemed distraught by your presence. 

"Just a place to stay."

"We don't run that kind of business. Please look elsewhere." she begins to shut the door but you stop her.

"Please. I'll stay in the barn. I promise. It's...really cold."

The woman thinks for a minute and steps aside.

"Come in."


You slowly open your eyes. It was still very early in the morning. You turn around and see Alcina lying next to you, her head rested upright on her palm. Her lips were slightly parted and her other arm was around you. You turn around, fully, to look at her. She was fast asleep but it seemed as though she fell asleep looking down at you. The sheets shift as you scoot closer to her. The ruffling sound made her open her eyes. She looks down at you and leans in.

"Something wrong, baby? Are you hungry?"

You smile at her and caress her cheek "Go back to sleep, honey. You look so tired. Have you been up all night?"

She closes her eyes and shakes her head "Don't worry about me.". She opens her eyes and looks at your bandaged wound "I'll call Cassandra. We have to change your dressing." she yawns.

"No...stay with me..." you whisper and smile at her. She smiles back and rubs her eyes.

"Not for too long, beautiful." she turns you around so that your wound wouldn't be compressed underneath her, and she pulls you in. You press your back against her torso and fall back into a deep sleep.


You wake up with a bout of tiredness. You open your eyes slowly and see Alcina lying down in front of you, reading a book. She was still in her nightgown, smoking a cigarette. She rubs her eyebrow with her thumb and takes another puff of the cigarette.

"Am I interrupting?" you smile at her. She whips her head around to look at you and stubs the cigarette on the nightstand.

"No, baby." she sets her book aside and brushes your hair with her fingers "How is the pain?"

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now