CHAPTER 34: Not Without A Fight!

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What the hell was happening?!  One minute we are trying to get help from Uncle Rainey's friend then the next minute I'm waking up in a nasty and disgusting foul smelled place.

I can't exactly remember what happened in how we got here but all I saw when I first opened my eyes and started looking around me was there was darkness but not too dark to where I couldn't see Marlie and Brett, chained up against a wall just as I was.

Neither one of us were touching the ground and in fact were several feet above it and then the next thing we heard was Nolton's voice, then Groman's and Marlon's.

It was in that moment also I realized that they must have killed Nolton's guys while the rest of us were passed out as I didn't see them anywhere, unless they were laying in a pile on top of each other in the dark parts of wherever this place was at.

In that moment I had also concluded that Groman fucking set us all up and used us as bait to get Marlon here.

When the lights came on over me, Marlie and Brett, I looked right at Nolton who looked at me with so much guilt. However, he couldn't possibly think this was the end. This couldn't be how things ended.

I wish he could see my lips as I tell him I love him. But he can't and the tears begin to fall down my face.

Then a few moments later, I start to hear him taunt them? Is he delusional? They must have hit him over the head harder than the rest of us.

I looked over at Marlie and Brett who also looked just as confused as I did in why Nolton is insulting them.

None of this could possibly be happening. It was too unreal. It makes no sense at all.

Then right when I heard them tell him they were going to kill Nolton in front of us, I nearly broke down.

I quickly tried to see if there was any chance I could break free from these restraints but to no prevail. I wasn't going to give up though. I wasn't going to let them kill him and needed to think of a way to stall them from doing so. But how?

The lights in the entire place went off and the next thing I saw was what I believed right away to be an illusion. I couldn't have possibly been seeing what I was seeing.

I looked to my right the moment I felt somebody touch my restraints around my wrists and cut them off with an axe then did the ones at my feet.

It was hard at first to see who it was until they spoke to us.

"It's me, Rainey." He tells us. "Be quiet and we'll get you all out." He states.

I hug him tightly and try to ask how it is possible but he assures me that after this is all o we with he will explain, but there's no time at the moment.

He quickly then goes over towards Marlie then Brett afterwards and they get freed as well.

"Now be quiet and follow me." He tells us.

We all three huddle behind one another and start to cautiously follow him, holding onto the back of each other's shirts as we walk through the darkness.

Even though things are not entirely pitch black and can still see vaguely, it is really hard.

He suddenly comes to an abrupt stop and has all four of us lean back up against a wall.

We start to hear chattering and footsteps come closer. Right away he knows who they are and three seconds later, swiftly turns and starts shooting at them both, killing them immediately before either one was able to fire their guns at him.

He quickly tries to pay their now lifeless bodies on the ground and stands with handing each one of us some guns before he has us continue following him.

I have never even really shot a gun but wasn't going to be afraid to try and use it.

We began to hear some quick shuffling happen close by and then they abruptly stopped. We could hear the person panting a little around the corner while we all tried to be quiet before Rainey next turned the corner quickly as he did moments ago and right before shooting, thankfully there was a little light seeping through a big crack between the ceiling and wall, to show us it was Nolton.

He was surprised to see Rainey and they hugged each other tightly. Then Uncle Rainey briefly told him he'll explain later as well then Nolton looked behind him and saw us, mainly me and let out a big breath of relief.

He quickly grabbed me and yanked me close to him, holding me tightly as I did with him too before kissing me and then asking Marlie and Brett if they were okay also. To which they nodded in agreement.

"We need to get the hell out of here. Marlon and his men are somewhere inside looking for all of us and damnit Uncle Rainey, your friend Grossman, he fucking used us as bait." He begins to explain to Uncle Rainey.

"I know. Again, I will explain everything but right now, we need to get to the fucking docks." Rainey repeats.

I could tell that Nolton was pissed and wasn't one to let things go for the moment then return to discuss them later. However, in this incident, he has no choice. So we start making our way out together.

Suddenly, just as we start going down some stairs, the moment we hit the bottom is when a bunch of loud gunfire goes off all around us from all over the place and bullets ricocheting off the metal structures inside here.

We ducked as we started running anywhere for cover while trying to still stay together.

Then right as we find a place to kneel down behind and stay out of plain sight, we saw Marlon with blood coming from the corner of his mouth along with holding a gun and his opposite arm limp from being shot at.

A couple of his men that are with him right now decide are cautiously looking around for anyone with their guns drawn in front of them.

Next I saw Nolton and Uncle Rainey both fire their guns at his men and accidentally miss Marlon who immediately ducks behind a medal structure, covering him too much to where we can't get a clear shot.

Next we begin hearing more foot steps running towards this direction along with some yelling and one of the voices was Groman's.

This couldn't end well I began to think. This will all end in an all hail of gunfire.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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