CHAPTER 13: A Nice Gesture

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Tonight I was having to work until closing because I had to work two shifts today since one of the girls quit.

I didn't mind because I really needed the hours and money anyways. Besides, I wouldn't leave Jackie with no help.

Today was another steady flow of customers as it is most days and we had done real good in sales - me in particular.

During closing, I was counting the money in the register and after finishing and putting it inside a money bag, I walked into the back office to place it into our safe when suddenly I stopped as soon as I opened the door and saw Jackie talking with Nolton.

They both stopped and looked up at me and I felt a little awkward. The music in the store is always on so loudly until we lock up and leave for the night, so I guess maybe that is why I didn't hear him and he obviously had to have come from the back since I didn't see him come in neither.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to place this in the safe." I tell her, feeling nervous for no reason.

"Thanks." Jackie smiles at me and holds out her hand. "This is my best employee." She tells him.

I hand her the bag then tell her that I am finished with everything.

"Okay thank you. We actually are about done so, I can finish locking up tonight." She says.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow." I tell her.

"Have a goodnight sweetie." She winks at me.

"Goodnight." I then tell Nolton so that I wasn't rude and then as he wishes me a goodnight in return, I walk out and close the door.

While grabbing my purse and jacket from the break room, I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding in and started to leave.

I headed out behind the store towards our employee parking lot and the moment I sat down in my car, it started being a little bitch and wasn't starting.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I tell myself out loud.

While looking down at my roadside assistance card, I start to try and call when I am suddenly jolted and nearly drop my phone after being startled by a knock on my window.

Once I see that it's Nolton, he leans in a little closer and places his hand onto the roof of my car.

"Having trouble?" He asks with a cocked eyebrow and in a charming tone of voice.

"Yeah. But I was just about to call someone before you scared the shit out of me." I tell him.

"Sorry. Well let me see if I can take a look at it." He offers.

I should have been more like 'no it's okay, I can get someone else to' but no, I can't explain what exactly made me tell him what I did next but, I guess it would be safe to say that maybe it was cause I wanted to look at him more and his neck tattoos peeking through his collar.

"Okay. Thank you." I replied.

So he removed his nice jacket and places it onto the roof of my car, rolls up his sleeves - exposing more of his sexy body tattoos, before he lifts the hood of my car and begins taking a look at it.

I hear him call out soon after to try and start it again and right away makes a diagnosis. It's the battery.

"Your battery is dead." He says then closes the hood.

"Figures." I say to myself.

As he walks around to my side and grabs his jacket, I begin to laugh a little nervously.

"There is no life in your battery. Even if I was to use my jumper cables to get it going, it wouldn't, it's THAT dead." He laughs.

"Okay. Well, I appreciate you checking it out door me and I'm sure the car service person can bring me a new one." I tell him.

I expected him to say goodnight then walk away but he didn't and instead just stood there.

"You hungry?" He asks.

"What?" I replied like an idiot.

"Come on." He tells me and opens up my car door.

"Uh, excuse me." I look at him shocked.

"Come on. We are grabbing a bite to eat and then I will take you home." He says.

"Thanks but I am not leaving my car hear overnight." I tell him.

"Yes you are. Besides, Jackie has the gate that she will lock up and nobody will get back here. Plus, how far would they go with your car? I don't think any car thief is walking around with a car battery." He mentions.

"True but I...." I began to say and then he gave me a look that told me he wasn't taking 'no' for an answer and I wasn't going to allow myself to pass up on this opportunity in spending time with a hot guy like this.

Now, true, I barely know him, but I can't help and feel more safe with him than I have ever felt with anybody else.

So I rolled up my windows, locked my doors and grabbed my purse while deciding to get car service tomorrow in the daylight. Then we got into his car (with him holding the door opened for me) and took off.

"So what sounds good to you?" He asks me.

"I don't know what's opened this late." I laughed.

"I know a good burger joint. One of the best burgers actually, that I have ever had." He mentions.

"Sounds good to me. I love burgers." I replied.

"Me too." He laughs.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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