CHAPTER 2: What Happened?!?

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Where the hell is he?!? I asked myself while lighting up another cigarette, waiting for my right hand man, Brett, to return. I had sent him to pick up a custom made car I have been waiting to receive for months now, and since he was out doing a job anyways, I had figured he could pick that up on his way back here.

He was supposed to be back already from picking it up though, almost an hour ago and I can't get a hold of him. He better have a damn good reason as to why in the hell he's late. This isn't like him at all. If he is ever gonna be late, he always let's me know.

Brett and I have known each other since we were kids. We have both been through hell together and always had each other's backs no matter what. That's a big reason why he is my right hand guy.

Finally, after nearly finishing my cigarette, I put it out in the ash tray on the table, when he came running inside the house out of breath and sweating.

"Sorry, boss." He says while trying to catch his breath.

"Where the hell have you been?" I asked.

"Sorry, I was in a little car accident on my way back from picking up the car." He says.

"Accident?!?" I asked and then quickly walked passed him towards outside to look at the damage and right away noticed a huge dent in the front bumper that disconnected a bit from the body of the car a little, with a head light busted also.

"I'm sorry. I was in such a hurry that I didn't have time to break." He says.

"Do you know how much this car cost? How long it took me to get it here and then now, it's gonna cost me a shit ton of money to get it fixed!" I snap at him.

"I'll pay for it. Don't worry, I know a guy that can get it done in two days." He tries to reassure me.

"Two days?! I've waited months to get this model made and sent here to the states! It's a custom job! Not to mention that I wanted to bring this when we went to the meeting tomorrow." I reminded him.

"Sorry. What do you want me to do? Accidents happen?!" He fires back at me.

My god I am so livid right now. This was the ONE thing I was looking forward to after having a shitty week and now THIS happens! Just my damn luck, I swear!

"Well hey, it could be worse!" He exclaims.

"How?!" I asked.

"I could have killed someone." He says to me.

"Shit!" Then I paused for a moment before suddenly realizing something. "Wait, did you hit something or someone tonight?" I asked him.

"I hit some girl but, it's all good. I didn't tell her anything and gave her more than enough cash to fix her car. So she should be fine. Plus, she seemed to be okay and not hurt or anything." He reassures.

"Oh my god! She could easily be feeling pain tomorrow or the next day and suddenly have a whiplash or something and try to find us and have us pay for her doctor bill or whatever. My god, do you have any fucking idea what kind of attention that could bring to us?! We don't need that right now with the kind of business meeting we have coming up in a month." I remind him.

"Don't worry about it. Like I said, she doesn't know anything. Besides, I just gave her my cell and name...." He suddenly stops himself. 

"Shit!" I say out loud while looking down at my watch. Damn it is getting late and we have an early meeting tomorrow. "Alright! Go get one of the other cars from out of the garage so we can just get in and leave in the morning. Also, tomorrow, we need to start trying to find the girl. We need to make SURE she doesn't talk to anybody." I tell him frustrated.

"But I told you, I gave her more than enough money to get her car fixed, I doubt she even kept my information. So relax." He tries to reassure me.

"For your sake, I hope so. However, since we can't trust her, we need to make sure." I tell him. "Come on,you know how this works."

"Fine. Whatever." He rolls his eyes then runs to get the car from out of the garage and he pulls it up to the front of the house before we head inside and go to bed.

I was planning on taking the car out tonight to see one of my girls too, because I love showing off my new stuff, but there's no way I'm doing that now until it is all fixed. It's better this way though, I guess, because I need to try and get some sleep for tomorrow's meeting anyways.

I can't believe he didn't pay any attention and crashed the car after picking it up. Then to have hit a person, I swear, I don't know why he was in too much of a hurry to not pay attention.

Hopefully, the girl he hit doesn't try and come after us for injuries or what not. Which is why I am having one of my guys try and find her first so that I can talk with her and make sure to get across that she is to never speak of it to anyone or involve the authorities.

3 Days Later

Three days went by before we were able to find her location and today, I had planned to finish going over some things before my next meeting in a week with a big client of mine, when I heard a knock on the door and after telling whoever it was to enter as I finished signing some things-it was the guy who had found the girl.

"Yeah?" I asked without making eye contact.

"Boss, she's here." He tells me.

"Who?" I asked.

"The girl that Brett hit and who you were going to speak with later today." He states.

I stopped and looked up at him bewildered. How did she get the address and.....then it hit me. Damnit Brett!

I quickly had gotten up then put on my suit jacket and buttoned it before making my way out to where I could hear Brett and the girl, arguing, it sounded like.

I stopped when I noticed a young, timid looking, yet also a bit brave it sounded like, girl in her early to mid twenties with thick curves (a huge turn-on to me), being combative with him.

"What is going on?!" I interrupted.

"Nothing. This is the girl I had hit a few nights back and she is trying to give me back the money I gave her." He scoffs.

"Only because it was too much." She snaps at me.

"Look, why don't you just consider it a gift, huh? I mean buy something nice or whatever and just be grateful, then leave it at that." I tell her with my arms crossed over my chest.

"No. Because I'm not a charity and don't need anything more than what I needed to fix my car." She tells me.

"But I told you..." Brett started to tell her until I stopped him.

"Stop! You don't owe her anything! If she wants to be an ungrateful bitch, then she can be an ungrateful bitch." I tell him while smirking and winking at her.

That seemed to have set her off and her reaction took me and the few men who work for me and we're standing around us, along with Brett, by surprise......

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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