CHAPTER 22: Who Am I?

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I have been missing Leona a lot and it has been a few days since we've last seen one another because of business meetings I have had to attend.

The past few days of not being able to see her also gave me enough time to build up enough courage in trying to find the right time and way to tell her what I do.

Tonight, happens to be that night. I decided to take her to see a movie she has been wanting to see for a couple of weeks now and then was going to take her to a good dinner afterwards to try and tell her then.

The reason that I'm mainly choosing a restaurant to tell her is because there are people around and she doesn't seem the kind who likes getting attention drawn to her too much, especially in a crowd, so hopefully, this will allow me to explain and her not to freak out.

Things seemed to be going great with the date as we had finished the movie then we made our way to the restaurant and had just finished ordering.

While sitting there and toasting real quick with our glasses of wine, I next took in a deep breath and blew it out to start telling her.

Then suddenly, I looked over her shoulder for a brief second and noticed someone out the corner of my eye who I had recognized right away, sitting at a big table with all of his men who I haven't seen in a long time. This certain someone was also who, if I saw again, I swore I would kill without any hesitation.

This man has been in the same business longer than I have and who had gotten a name for himself, thanks to my father's help. Then one day he decided to set my dad up and ended up betraying him that caused my dad's murder.

What pisses me off more about this guy is that he thinks he can try and destroy me and the things I have worked hard for. This man kills for sport. During the springtime, he has even created a game where he tricks people into going hunting with him but soon they become the hunted. He is sick and twisted. Period.

Now, not excusing of course my actions but, for the most part, I hurt those mostly that are not good people at all. Ironic? Yes. Hypocritical of me to say all of that? Absolutely. True? Beyond a doubt.

Although life in general is a game. This business also is one of the games you play and you rarely get out of alive.

The next thing I thought was that I couldn't tell her right now. Not with that asshole several feet away. I don't want to bring any attention to us or anything. So I look at Leona who is looking at me with a worried look upon her face already.

Quickly I try to think up of something believable to excuse us and possibly take the food home, however, right before I am able to say anything or think of anything, I noticed him and his men now at the table staring at me and my blood began to boil. I was about to lose it.

Seconds later, I then notice that a couple of his men, start to stand up and walk towards me and Leona menacingly.

Now these guys are just like him and don't think twice about anything or even give a shit if they draw attention. Mainly that is because their boss owns the police and some FBI agents and can always manage to make things not just go away but never appear in the news.

"What's wrong?" I hear Leona ask me.

"Do you trust me?" I ask.

"What?" She asks confused.

"Do you trust me?" I ask again.

"Of course. But why......" She started to ask but I stopped her and took her hand then we stood up, I left money on the table for the food we didn't eat and wine before I began escorting her outside and as I picked up my pace, I could tell Leona was freaked out and rightfully so.

"Nolton, you're scaring me." She says to me as we walk faster towards the car.

"I will explain everything soon, but we need to get out of here." I tell her.

Then the moment we reached the car and I was about to open the door for her to hurry and get inside, the few guys that seemed to have followed us out here from the restaurant, there were three of them now, one of them grabbed Leona around the waist and tried to cover her mouth from screaming while the other two started throwing punches at me right away hard in the face and I immediately started retaliating.

I didn't stop hurting them. I was throwing punches every chance I got and blocking theirs the best I could.

Soon enough after it started, I heard a guy yell and scream out in pain and the other guys looked to see that it was their friend who was now a couple feet away from Leona.

It was a perfect time for me to knock out these other two, so I took the chance and gave it everything I had left in me and was finally able to knock them both down then jump in the car along with Leona before speeding out the parking lot.

It was an awkward and painful silence overall between Leona and I throughout the entire car ride back to her place.

I was lost for words. I couldn't even fathom or comprehend what all just happened. I can't imagine even what she is thinking right now and it's killing me.

Once we finally pulled up to the front of her apartment duplex we sat there as I shut the engine off and still, neither one of us said anything for a couple minutes. 

"Leona. Look, about tonight and what happened back there...." I began to try and explain but she shook her head and stopped me.

"I want you to tell me the truth. Why were those men after you? Why did they hurt you and try to hurt me? Do you owe them money or something?" She asks with a mixture of anger, confusion and yet curiousity in both her voice and eyes.

"I'm in the Mafia, Leona." There, I said it. There was no going back. She now knows. I finally told her.

I should feel as though a weight has been lifted up off of me but the truth is, I feel more sick to my stomach and am more nervous than hell right now, not knowing at all what she is thinking.

I can get killed for telling her I am in the Mafia even because one of the first things you are told is that you don't dare tell others, no matter who they are, that you are in it. You NEVER tell anybody or talk about it. Period.  Otherwise you and your family and anyone else you know could get wacked (if lucky enough). But for her to be with me, she needs to know.

This may not have been the way I wanted her to find out but at least now she knows......

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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