CHAPTER 8: That Was A Waste Of Time

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The other night wasn't so bad. In fact, I thought that the side I saw of Leona was cute and sexy. Sure I could have taken advantage of that situation also, but I didn't because I am not THAT much of an asshole. Besides, she wouldn't remember anything anyways with the amount of alcohol she had consumed and to me, I'm not into that.

There was nothing going on for the next few days and today, it looked like Brett had some plans already with that Marlie chick he met the other night and not feeling like doing anything in particular myself, I tried calling up one of my girls I like to hook up with every so often, but a couple of them didn't answer and the others were busy.

There was nothing good on TV so eventually, I had a few of my guys play some poker and smoke some cigars.

I didn't have as much of a personal relationship with them really as I do with Brett. I look to him like he's my brother and only a few handful of the guys who work for me, do I remotely think were also good friends, while the others were more like they just worked for me.

After we played a few rounds of Texas Hold'em, the guys continued to play while I decided to head out for a drink and a sandwich from one of my favorite deli's.  So I grabbed my jacket and keys then peeled out of the driveway into town.

Once I arrived, I started making my way towards the bar first but my stomach began to growl while reminding me I haven't eaten since breakfast this morning. So instead I decided since the deli was right here, I though I would stop by there first. It's the best Deli shop there is in the states.

It's a nice little full Italian family-owned deli shop that had been in business for thirty years and the owner of it happens to be in his sixties and is a tough guy for his age that  even I find to be scary.

He has always been like a father-figure to me though and has helped me in more ways than one. Every time I come in here, he never makes me wait and tonight was no different.

I barely stood in line behind several people when he came walking out from the back and noticed me right away then waved for me to come over. So I walk past everybody and he asks right away after greeting me, if I wanted my usual.

"Please." I smiled at him.

"You got it kid." He smiles then begins to put my sandwich together.

He has always called me 'kid' and to be honest, I like it because it's kind of 'old school's, in which I like.

It never takes him long to make it and then quickly wraps it up before sliding it to me across the counter.

"Thanks." I smiled in reply.

"Any time. It's been a couple of weeks since I've seen ya. You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah. Just business has been keeping me occupied lately." I tell him before reaching into my pocket and giving him some extra money that what the actual price of the sandwich cost. 

"You're too good." He tells me when he See's the amount I gave him.

"Yeah well, you never charge the amount you should. You have the best sandwiches in the states and yet you don't charge nearly enough." I tease him about for the hundredth time.

"Yeah yeah. Don't bust my balls." He rolls his eyes.

"Alright. I'll see ya later." I nod at him before walking outside and right before heading towards one of the small rounded tables and chairs outside here to sit down and eat at, I noticed Leona was sitting down at a table looking down at her phone, scrolling through it and looking upset.

It was none of my business and I am sure by now she was already told by Marlie that ai was there that night at the bar with them-hanging out. I am sure she doesn't want to talk to me while she is sober.

I tried to turn around and head back to my car to eat inside there but once again, I felt myself getting turned around and being pulled towards her.

Right when I get to the chair across from her, I say something ridiculously cliche and don't know why.

"This seat taken?" I ask.

She looks up and the moment she see's me smirking at her, she starts to scowl then look back down at her phone before replying.

"Yes." She says firmly.

"Pff. Yeah, right." I scoff then take a seat.

"What are you doing? I said it was taken!" She repeats.

"We both know that isn't true." I smirk.

"Please leave. There are plenty more chairs you can sit in." She tells me.

"True, but I like this one." I joke with a smile and wink.

"My god." She mumbles to herself.

I just sit there and look at her for a moment before responding anderting out a breath.

"Listen, I know you don't like me and that's okay. But the fact is, your best friend is dating mine. We are bound to see each other every so often because of that." I point out.

"And?" She asks.

Wow, she is  ring really abrasive and rude. Why is she like this?

"Damn, are you always like this?" I ask curiously.

"Like what?"

"This....bitchy? Or do you reserve it just for me?"

She begins to scowl and tighten her lips at me.

"Where do you get off?!" She asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Where do you get off in calling me that when you are an asshole yourself?! Besides, rather or not my best friend is dating yours, doesn't mean we have to hang out and see each other. Also, you are the one who made the annoying choice in sitting here with me uninvited." She replies with a raised eyebrow.

I have to admit I like the way she is acting like she is. She is brave and seems to be the most independent and strongest woman I have ever met.

"You're right. It was rude of me. I just was grabbing a bite to eat before getting a drink and noticed you looked upset. And to be honest, I don't know what made me come over. Well, have a goodnight." I tell her before I grab my sandwich and get up to start walking away.

What the hell was I thinking in doing that? Acting like I cared. That's why I don't do that because showing that emotion makes you weak and opened for reactions like hers, therefore, wasting time.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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