Chapter 1 - Bumps & Hidden Glimpses

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27 October

Dear Journal,

Today was exhausting.

Aizawa sensei was extra harsh during training, made me go against all of class 3-A and 3-B. It was sugoi seeing them all grow with their techniques, but that meant it was harder to beat them all. I did win. Eventually. I was only lucky because Kacchan and Shoto-kun attacked at the same time from opposite sides and Ochako-chan started getting queasy from floating the metal auditorium they tried to keep me contained in. It was a strong skeleton, the beams thick and light yet the size is what's been more problematic for her. I wonder if her quirk is more affected by the size than the weight, maybe-

Ah, the lunch bell rang. I'll be back soon.


I'm back.

And holy shit.

I bumped into one of the most sugoi people I've ever met.

Now before I explain, I have to apologize... I kinda forgot you on my desk when leaving for the dorms. But hey, if I didn't forget you, I wouldn't have met the angel I met today.

See I realized I left you behind at the shoe locker area, so I quickly ran back inside before Sensei could lock the door till tomorrow. Couldn't have my closest confidant expose my secrets (≧◡≦). I'm kidding. But seriously, I ran as fast as I could, even using 0.5% of OFA and surprisingly my electricity didn't show up. I wonder how much percent I can activate til the green lightning is visible...

Anyway, as I rushed through the halls I bumped into someone, and they fell down right at impact.

I was very flustered, apologizing left and right, trying to help her stand up, making sure she wasn't injured.

She didn't respond much, just mumbled out "recovery girl" and that she was dizzy.

And I felt so guilty for not paying attention, and I'm a hero damn it, so of course I took her to the infirmary.

As we quietly trudged along the hall, I noticed her delicate frame, her grip much weaker than anyone in the hero course would've had. A curtain of her wavy chestnut hair covered her face, but from the thin nimble fingers that weakly clutched onto my arm, I could see her skin was a light tan, flawless, like she hadn't done a day's work in her life.

When we finally reached infirmary, the girl was barely standing on her two feet. Recovery Girl sounded very worried, and urgently told me to bring her to the cot beside her. Only moments after she checked all of the chestnut-haired girl's vitals, she quipped a relieved thank you, and shooed me away.

After I stumbled out I got you and the rest was a daze until I got to the dorms.

I just couldn't stop thinking about the girl. She was so frail, so delicate. It reminded me so much of how I used to be before I met All Might. I still could feel her small hand weakly holding onto mine, her ragged breathing as she struggled every step. I wonder what happened that made her so dizzy, so shaky. And when I laid her on the cot, I saw her face, her expression so relaxed and peaceful.

I was star-struck for the lack of better words. I'm pretty sure I was beat red after I stepped out of the room. So embarrassing >w<. I hope no one saw me like that.

Anyhow, by the time I got to the dorms, I'd decided that it would be rude to chase after her when I don't even know her, so I will take this interaction as an embarrassing coincidence that will probably never happen again. But I'll keep my hopes up. You never know, I could bump into her by chance again.

𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙹𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚕, 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢, | Izuku Midoriya x OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt