19 | Totally Did It

Start from the beginning

"Oh. My. God. You two totally did it." Tate's ajar mouth says more than she already said herself.

Toby's now grinning like an idiot. Not a good sign."You guys totally did it. Pay up Tate, told you it would happen before Spring Break." He holds out his hand towards Tate.

Huffing, Tate pulls a crisp 100 out of her back pocket. First off who the fuck just carry a $100 dollar bill in there pocket casually?

Oh. Right. Millionaire teens.

I know for a fact my mouth is now ajar at this point. I practically can't comprehend what's going on in front of me. Let alone let my hangover differ the complete shock I'm experiencing. 

These two bet on how long it would take us to fuck? I mean, I wouldn't say i'm shocked about Toby...but Tate? Really? Are they that delusional, damn.

"We didn't fuck dipshits. You can all calm down, nothing happened. End of story." As Wyatt talked coherently, I realize he must have fully awoken and was now leaning against my bed frame.

Even just barley being awake for a couple minutes he still seemed to look a good as ever. It's completely unfair in far to many ways.

No bed head to his perfect black shaven curls, his set jaw flexing in the golden hour of the morning.

His lips still pouty from being so relaxed moments ago. His rings recoshaying light from beneath his muscular crossed arms. Even without being shirtless his shirt from last night is still protesting against his very clearly hard abs.

"Then what did happen?" Addy says, still skeptical as ever, leaning onto the door frame.

"I said end of story didn't I?" Wyatt seemed tense as he snapped back. Jaw locked. But I knew what he was doing.

I appreciate it.

Not telling them about me drinking so they wouldn't know something was wrong.
It was nice of him, but yet again, I don't need protection.

Not back then. And most definitely not now. Nothing compares to then.

"I got drunk. I didn't feel safe being in my room with the party still going on. So under the influence of many shots, I asked him to stay with me until I fell asleep. He must've also fell asleep, it's not a big deal. Nothing happened. Like he said. End of story." As  I finished my spewl, I heard Wyatt's sigh of disapproval for telling them.

Kit looked at me. Her eyes still puffy from crying last night, and lips in a thin line. "You? As in Dakota Lakes? Got drunk?"

"It was a weird night for all of us." I vaguely say.

Trust me. I know exactly how weird.

Turning on my heel as I head to my closet, still feeling every eye on my back silently observing.

Whether they are in their own self reflections or not, I needed them out, because frankly this hangover right now isn't pleasant in the presence of an audience.

So before I even touched the closet knob, I twist my head back around towards them. Did you guys need something, because this hangover is killing me slowly here."

"We were going to- actually never mind. Ah- schools in 35 minutes, we'll just have cereal." Tate drags everyone out of the door away.

Yet, no one seems remotely out of their own heads enough to protest.

Leaving Wyatt and I alone in my room. Thankfully with the door still open. At least I have a quick escape route.

I don't even give him the time of day. Instead I silently begin browsing my closet. Pretending like I actually care about what's there, and not waiting for him to inevitability say something.

Dragging my finger across the hanging fabrics I count. 3...2..."You know you didn't have to tell them, Dakota. I wasn't going to. I won't." Ah. There it is.

"Wyatt, I'm fine. It's fine. I never needed protection before, and I sure as hell don't need it now." I don't know why I feel the need to be so defensive now. But I was vulnerable with him last night. He has all he ever needs to ruin my name now. He knows all my secrets.

What's stopping him from using them against me?

I hear the sqeack of the bed and the weight of Wyatt's feet of the hardwood floors. His steps coming closer.

As reaches me, he takes a hand to drag half of my hair to the other side of my neck, he's silent. Leaving one half of my neck exposed, vulnerable.

He seems to have a way to always make me feel that way doesn't he?

His words come out in warm breathes against my already tingly neck. His whisper gravelly, with something deeper than just advice. "There isn't anything wrong with wanting to feel safe with someone. You don't have to be weak to be venerable."

His fingers linger lightly against my neck. He trails them slowly down. Almost memorizing the feel of my skin beneath his fingers. And before they can even reach the base of my neck, they're gone.

I don't need to turn around to hear as his steps take him away from me.

The door clicks.

As soon as I here that pleasant hollow sound of solitude I breath. I mean, I really breathe.

I try to normalize the beat of my heart. But it's complicated. Shit. He already has control over half of  my heart and thoughts, and I don't even know this boy's middle name.

Attraction is a dangerous game.
A game I'm not willing to participate in.

Ha. As if I haven't tried reluctance once.


Authors Note:
Not Edited

Yes, I'm aware this is super short. I'm sorry.
It's just that recently I have had no motivation so I kind of whipped something up last minute, because I knew I had to post!

Again sorry, I promise to make it up to ya'll!

As always, be sure to comment, share & vote!

Much Love <3 Kay

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