09 | More Than Capable

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I'm a sloppy, slobbered mess this morning

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I'm a sloppy, slobbered mess this morning.

I practically stuck to my pillow as my head pounded in protest to simply not get up.

I couldn't fathom sleeping for most of last night after I was so bothered by the fact that there is a direct connection between my room and Birdy's.

I can't believe Addy didn't tell me. I mean I'm pissed, but I don't know what I expected. I was told she doesn't understand boundaries as it is, that now is very apparent.

Getting up I stop my alarm and walk to closet and change into a casual outfit of light wash ripped AE jean shorts, and a cropped band-tee. Today was going to be my first day actually attending the Academy. Meaning I have hours to spend in lecture halls with a bunch of rich snobs. If that wasn't enough to get me in a pissy mood I'm PMSing hard.

I swear to god if I get my period today.

Walking over to the bathroom door now changed; I make sure to knock on the bathroom door. God knows I do not want another scene like last night.

When no one answers I walk in through the white door.

Thankfully no shirtless Wyatt in sight. Doing my usually hygiene, I'm in and out as fast as possible so that I can grab my bag and go into the kitchen to make breakfast.

I've loved to cook for years. I was taught by my 'mother'. Before she went and made my life hell.

Grandma used to tell me stories when I cooked in her kitchen, of how when I was a baby one night they couldn't find me and they freaked. Turns out I went straight to the kitchen and started playing with the pots and pans.

Setting down my black Jansport backpack by the kitchen island, I begin looking for ingredients.

I think it is safe to say I owe these guys a thank you for letting me into their academy house, even if you know, not all of them are pleasant or very ecstatic about it.

French toast, everybody likes that right? Looking through the fridge there is practically nothing but beer,eggs, and cheese. Great. Okay so no french toast. How they managed to smuggled the alcohol onto the island is beyond me.

Taking out the eggs and cheese I set them on the counter and decided on making a large amount of scrambled eggs for eight hungry seniors. Cracking each egg I wisk in the thankfully the large variety of spices they had and cheese.

Finally pouring the yellow liquid on to the now sizzling pan I turn around to see Kit, Cam, and Toby sitting at the island eyeing me like I was crazy. I immediately jump with my hand on my heart.

When my breathing has regulated, I sound out of breathe when I question them. "What?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Nothing it's just-" Cam started examining me like a was a puzzle. What is up with people trying to figure me out. It seems that's all everyone ever wants. Not once considering if I would rather be understood than 'figured out'.

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