Chapter 23

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"We could do with Xavier's help seeing we are probably going to be up against quite a few demons," Nicole said, blowing a kiss to Waverly. "Getting him here will be a problem though. He can't enter the cathedral, it's forbidden."

"No. But, he can enter a pub," Waverly replied. "He can join us via the Fighting Cocks tunnel. Jeremy what if you and I go fetch him, bring him back. We shouldn't be more than an hour tops."

"And, Aunty," Nicole added. "We might need her skills. Oh, you had better bring Ros and Robin too, otherwise they'll only moan we didn't invite them. Plus, they're good for a fight. Right, this seems like a really dangerous and impossible plan, let's do this. Team D. Yay, go team D."

"You really have to work on your pep talks," Waverly said, kissing Nicole on the cheek. "Back here in an hour."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Nicole asked, suddenly nervous letting Waverly out of her sight given what was happening around them. "Or, I can go. I'll be quicker. On second thoughts, you stay here, I'll go. Which way is out?"

Waverly rolled her eyes. "I am perfectly capable of getting the others with Jeremy. Stay here, keep my sister company."

Nan was the last out, the pillar slamming shut behind them, the remaining party hovering by the entrance waiting for the others. Wynonna pulled Nicole to one side. "How dangerous will this be?"

Nicole contemplated the question. "On a scale of one to ten, I reckon four hundred."

"That settles it. Waverly stays behind with me. I'll keep her from following you. I don't want her put in any danger."

"And, how do you propose to keep her from coming with us?"

"I don't know. Get Nan to do that hokus pokus thing. I can't take the chance of losing her."

"She'll be with me. I'll protect her. I promise."

"N, you nearly died. You nearly killed Waverly with whatever was inside you. She's all I have."

"I understand. She is all I have too. I will protect her with my life."

Wynonna shook her head. "N, please don't fuck this up. She thinks this is all some kind of thrilling adventure. I don't think she realises how dangerous all this is. She thinks you'll protect her because of who you are. And, we all know that might not be true."

Nicole walked away, finding a pillar, slumping to the ground. Wynonna was right, after the incident in the cell, she no longer was sure of herself. The demon curse inside had nearly caused her to strangle the person she loved. It terrified her to think how close she had come to losing her for a third time. A moment more and her whole life would have been destroyed by her own power.

Holliday sat beside Nan, she knitting away in silence, he holding his torch out to provide light. "My mother knew your ways," he began, adjusting his back against the pillar. "She taught me some, but she didn't want me to follow in our family ways."

Nan continued knitting. "Very wise. It has its uses and its burdens. You have a question, I can see. Ask it."

"Why was the warden killed in that way?"

Nan stopped knitting, resting the needles on her lap. "He knew too much. He saw too much. Did you see the top part of the body?"

Holliday nodded. "Autopsy. Clean cut. No other injuries."

"And, the eyes. Did you see his eyes?"

"His eyes were fine. Intact."

"Were they. Perhaps you didn't look closely enough. You and I both know this place reeks of more than a corpse. It will have left an impression in his eye. If I were you I would go check that body again. Stare deep into the warden's eyes and tell me what you see."

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