Chapter 14

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Their eyes met. Someone not connected with her new friends knew who they were. She let out a sigh. She had to trust him. She had no choice. "I was chased by dead men. Mossbacks they call them. N saved me. Now she's dying upstairs because I went with her to the cathedral to lock it from those who want to use a key, which isn't a key, but a book to unlock a cup that holds a lot of demons. And, I'm really, really scared right now."

Holliday knew she was telling the truth, for once. "Do you know why those men were after you?"

"No. They were inside the cathedral. N says they shouldn't be there. They nearly drowned me. I shouldn't be able to see them. But, I can. They're real. And, their hearts. I saw their hearts."

"How could you see their hearts?"

"N pulled them from their bodies. We burnt them. I'm not mad. It feels like I'm going mad, but I'm not crazy."

"You're not crazy. Are there others like N?"

Waverly nodded. "I think one of them may have dented your car."

"Knew it. And, the big guy, he's one?"

"A demon. The others are demigods, I think. I'm not sure. I've only known them a few days. The night we were at the pub."

"That makes more sense. Your car. Your voicemail."

There was a loud knock on the door. Waverly jumped, tears coming to her eyes. "I really need a holiday."

He was about to remark she had one, given his surname, but she had left the room already. He heard her talking with someone in the hall, a woman's voice, more footsteps on the stairs. Waverly returned. "Can I make you that coffee?" she offered, remembering she hadn't, the Absinthe bottle no longer in her hand. A scream from upstairs, Nicole's voice crying out for whatever they were doing to her to stop.

Holliday could see in Waverly's eyes she was scared, realising he needed to comfort the person in his presence, not entirely sure how. As he went to put his arms round her, Xavier entered the room, eyeing him suspiciously. "What business have you here?"

"I'm on your side, believe me." Holliday replied. "2010, on patrol. Our military vehicle was ambushed, only I survived because someone pulled me out. Would have died if they hadn't."

"Who? Who saved you?" Xavier asked, his voice gruff, wary of this stranger. "I asked you a question. Who of our kind saved you?"

"I...he never told me his name."

"If that is so, then he will have left you something. Name it."

"I heal. If I cut myself, it heals."

"Roll up your sleeve," Xavier demanded.

Holliday did as he was told, Waverly staring at his arm, no longer able to control anything in her life. Xavier pulled out one of his knives, its steel glistening as it caught the morning light. He approached Holliday, grabbing his arm, running the blade slowly along his skin, making a deep incision. Waverly suddenly felt faint, grabbing her desk chair, managing to sit before her legs gave way.

Xavier studied the cut, the blood oozing from the wound slowing almost immediately, stopping completely, the red line disappearing before his eyes. He returned his blade to his sheath. "You are welcome my brother."

Nan finished attending to Nicole, turning to Auntie. "I'm worried. This curse is stronger than most. I knew she should have stayed with me. Taken more time to rest. At least until the wound had closed and we were sure the curse had left her body. Absinthe can only do so much once the curse takes hold inside."

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