Chapter 7

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Waverly followed Rosita along the towpath, entering Robin and Jeremy's abode, the pair out on surveillance for Auntie. Rosita checked the fridge, extracting a bottle of tonic water, offering some to her guest. Waverly's eyes took in how different this boat was to Nicole's.

A bookshelf holding a library of comics and action films. A pair of Samurai swords mounted on the ceiling. A lived-in look suggesting they both liked a tidy space, not necessarily one that was pristine. Then again, Nicole's boat could definitely do with a clean.

"What's it like being a demigod?" Waverly asked, taking a sip of the drink Rosita handed to her, wishing it was tea.

"Lonely. Boring till I met the others. Auntie brought us together."

"She's a demigod too?

"No. Came with N from Rome. N listens to her, as we all do. She was the one who told her she needed to find her own kind. To stop her being so lonely."

"You're all the family she has?"

"Been together a long time. Well, Jeremy and Robin have been together forever. I'm paired with N."

"Right. Oh, right. As in..."

"Not like that. We live together, we do our own thing. I prefer humans anyway."

"And, N. Who does she prefer?"

"The good looking ones," Rosita replied, throwing Waverly a sly glance. "Although, after her partner died she never found another."

Waverly took another sip. "She told me she was imprisoned."

"Surprised she mentioned that. Did she tell you I was the one who got her out? She was in a bad way, took Auntie months to get her to talk again. Stood in a corner most days, head against the wall mumbling to herself. Even broke my heart."

"Forgive me, but how does a demigod manage to get themselves locked up? I mean, don't you have superpowers, or super strength. Or, super something...I don't know. Aren't you invincible?"

"We are, compared to mortals, except when up against more powerful entities. N was tricked. Thought she was rescuing a child. That's her weakness. Sucker for saving tiny mortals."

Waverly's phone buzzed, Wynonna asking if she needed anything from the shops. "Must go. Can you tell N I need to discuss the story I'm working on with her."

She pulled a notebook and pen from her bag. "Here's my address and number. Can you make sure she gets it? Does she have a number I can reach her?"

Rosita wrote Nicole's number on the pad, Waverly reading it, smiling. "Never thought I'd be adding a demigod to my list of contacts."

She started to enter it, a flutter in her stomach as an entry for N appeared with the same number. She wondered how Nicole had managed to access her phone. It didn't matter. She had, that's all that mattered. And, clearly N wanted to remain in contact.

Wynonna was busy unpacking bags of shopping as she entered the house, calling out to say she was in the kitchen. Her luggage remained in the hall, more items on the floor, Wynonna presumably having gone through her case to find something to wear. Kettle on, the sisters caught up on their respective news. Wynonna was excited about her forthcoming interviews, begging Waverly to at least come to one with her to meet the other stars. Waverly promised she would do her best, but was knee deep in a story for which she needed answers.

Her mind was elsewhere, mostly on when she should call Nicole. Yet another question that was at the forefront of her mind. How long does a demigod hangover last? A knock on the front door answered that question. "Oh, hi. Come in. Sorry about the mess. My sister's here, hence everything left in the hall. How's your head?"

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