Chapter 15

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Waverly was left to contemplate what was in her heart while Auntie and Nan headed off for provisions. Another round of tea and coffees, Waverly once more was sitting in the lounge, this time with the two men. Holliday was coming to the end of summarising the warden's case and his hunches, Xavier nodding.

"Reckon at least four to get the body to where it was found," Holliday conjectured.

"Two," Xavier countered. "You're forgetting the strength of those who might do this."

"And, the blood on the wall suggests whoever did this wanted to make it look like a cult killing."

"You say there were words on the wall."

"Written in human blood. Not the warden's. About returning a key."

Xavier pondered the words. He sat in silence for a few moments, gathering his thoughts. "My guess is the warden's death was unintended. An unfortunate by-product."

"Unfortunate for that guy. Why cut him in half? Too staged for my liking."

"Perhaps the question should be why those who did this wanted to draw so much attention to the cathedral? Counter-intuitive if you wanted whatever you were doing to remain undetected."

"Exactly. Back to what I was saying about this being too theatrical. As if someone is showing off."

"Whoever did this is arrogant, or confident enough, to believe they will not be caught."

"Isn't that what every criminal believes," Holliday added. "There's also the question of why it was the warden. I'm beginning to wonder whose side he was on."

"As in, good or bad," Waverly interrupted. "You think the warden was bad?"

"Not necessarily," Holliday replied. "But, what did he know, or see that made him a target?"

"He showed me earth under the cathedral. And, a G sign. That's how he found them. Bones in earth."

Xavier stared at Waverly, his mug falling to the floor. "No, no, no. What did you see? What did the warden show you?"

She could see Xavier's panic. "I...he..."

"Waverly, this is important. What did you see?"

"A pile of earth. That's all. Not belonging to the cathedral, the warden said. Fourteen pillars down, nine to the left."

"That's how they're getting in. That's how they're by-passing the lock. Those bastards."

"But, it was just earth," Waverly repeated. "Please, someone, what's going on?"

Xavier didn't know where to start. He picked up his mug, looking at the large tea stain on the carpet. "I'm sorry, I'll clean that up. Forgive me."

"X, please. Tell me what's happening at the cathedral."

"Where do I begin?" he replied.

They heard the front door open. Auntie and Nan were back from the shops, laughing, their lighter mood about to be abruptly curtailed. Xavier was out of his seat, stepping in the tea, Waverly no longer caring her carpet was being ruined. Holliday had finished his coffee, in need of something stronger. He put his mug down on the small table beside the couch. "We may need to check out this pile under the cathedral."

Waverly nodded, really not wanting to venture into that underworld again. If anywhere made her feel scared, it was there. If someone were to ask her why, she would struggle to give a precise answer. The absence of light, perhaps. The musty smell, possibly. Her footsteps echoing between pillars, probably. Beyond these, there was something triggering her fears, she just couldn't put any definitive cause to her feeling of dread. Her gut told her something evil was lurking beneath.

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