Chapter 10

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Waverly slumped in a pew, staring at the floor. "I write stories about missing puppies and arguing neighbours. I follow one missing person story and now dead people, who I shouldn't be able to see, are chasing me."

Nicole knelt before her. "Hey, it's okay. Somehow you were meant to be covering this. You've got me. Plus the others. We'll protect you."

Waverly wanted to hug her, her world changing faster than she was able to keep up. "I'm seriously scared right now. Do you think they killed the warden?"

"Not sure," Nicole replied, surveying where they were.

Waverly rubbed her eyes, head hurting, more questions entering her already confused mind. "But Nan saw the hearts. So she's different too?"

"Saved by a demigod. Kind of gives you a bit extra."

"I need a drink. What time is it?"

"Now you're talking."

Nicole took her hand, leading them back towards the Dean's office, Holliday looking up as they entered. He smiled, seeing them holding hands, Waverly immediately feeling uncomfortable, dropping Nicole's, moving towards the computer. The Dean was showing him footage from the night of his surveillance. Around the time he saw the man leave by the side door. The Dean replayed the clip over and over, no time jumps in the footage, no door opening. Whatever Holliday saw, it had not been picked up on the outside camera.

The three walked to the exit, Waverly remembering her car needed to be rescued, pulling out her phone, ringing Chrissy. "Hi, is your dad free later? Car trouble again."

"Sure. Give him a call. Is Wyn in town? Maisie said she saw her at the Cocks yesterday. You should have called me. Dying to ask her about LA."

"Sorry, so much going on right now, completely forgot. She'll be back late this evening. Probably too tired to go out. I'll let you know when we're next heading somewhere."

Waverly called Nedley, pleased to hear his voice, he gladly offering to come help with her car. He picked the pair up from the house, Nicole sitting in the back gazing out the window. Nedley hooked up his battery to Waverly's offering to buy them a drink in the pub while they waited. He returned with their order, handing over the triple whiskey to Nicole with a fatherly look that said he didn't approve of heavy drinkers. She raised her glass about to repeat her drinking salute spotting Waverly shaking her head, Nicole lowering her glass to her lips. Waverly thanked Nedley for the drinks, taking a sip of her soda water, knowing she would be driving. "Any more news on the warden?"

"Autopsy said the cut to his body was with some sort of metal blade. A katana most likely, but don't quote me on that. Still no identity for the blood on the wall. All really odd. And, why a G?"

"A code, perhaps," Waverly replied.

Nicole had that look on her face. She eyed Nedley, Waverly realising she didn't want to say anything in front of him. Nedley tried Waverly's car. It started, getting out, handing her the keys. She waited until his car pulled out of the car park. "Spill. What do you know about that letter?"

"It's not a G."

Waverly shook her head. Her world no longer operated to the norms on which she had come to rely. Up was now down, dead people were not staying dead and a letter was no longer a letter. "I can't do this anymore. That's it. N, this is nuts. None of this makes any sense. It's like a cryptic crossword."

"This whiskey is rather good. Must get a bottle. Annoyed. Vexed. Peeved. I rather like peeved."

Waverly let out a cry in frustration. "What? Seriously, what?"

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