Chapter 22

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"Oh, I'm very involved," the Dean replied. "It's taken years to get to this moment. Twenty to be precise. We were so close last time, but we are where we are. Fate would have it this is our time to bring back those who will pave a new way for us. The chosen."

The warden turned on his heels, running as fast as he could towards the crypt door, desperate to get away from this evil place, his torch bouncing in his hand, hoping to reach the exit before the others caught up with him. A blow to his head sent him sideways, a ringing sound in his head as he lay winded on the ground, struggling to get up, his flashlight picking out two large men standing over him, dressed all in black wearing gloves, heads shaven. "Not so fast. You have something of ours."

He was picked up like a rag doll, thrown over the shoulder of one of the foul-smelling men, carried back to where the Dean and the stonemason were waiting. "I'm disappointed," the stonemason said. "I thought you liked archaeology. Bring him to the entrance."

The mossback followed the stonemason as he spiralled his way towards the right pillar, dumping the warden unceremoniously on the ground. He struggled to right himself, rubbing his head, still dizzy from the blow he had received. The stonemason raised his right hand, opening his fingers wide, uttering a series of words the warden could not understand. And, there before them appeared an opening, large enough for one person at a time to enter.

The stonemason entered first, the Dean holding out his hand telling the warden to go next, he following last. Down, down they went, emerging in a dimly lit chamber completely hidden from anyone who didn't know the way in. The warden gasped. "The Templar knights. My word, this is the burial place of the three guardians of the cursed cup. I thought it was a myth, a rumour. It's here. It's really here."

"It is," the stonemason replied. "And, guess what's in the top tomb."

"No!" the warden exclaimed. "Can't be. Is it?"

The stonemason beamed. "It is. Would you like to see it? But, first would you mind giving me back what you stole."

The warden was too caught up in the moment to hear what the stonemason had said, edging nearer the top tomb. "I can't believe I'll see it. Will I be able to hold it?"

"Warden," the stonemason shouted. "I need what you took from me. The coin, if you please."

The warden snapped out of his reverie. "I...I don't have it. I...I gave it to a journalist. I can get it back. She'll give it back to me. I didn't realise it was important."

"You never do. Amateurs, poking their noses in. You took a life with that coin. One of my men had to return to the ground because you took his dirty penny. No matter, I'll send my men to retrieve it from whoever this journalist is. Her life is now threatened by your ignorance."

"No, I'm sorry. I really didn't know. She has nothing to do with this. I swear. I gave it to her by mistake. I'll get it back."

"Too late," the stonemason replied. "Circumstances have changed my mind. The time is upon us. I had hoped to spend a few more days in preparation. Dean, be a good chap and summon the others. I will perform the ritual tonight."

+ + + +

Jeremy prodded the map with his finger. "Got it. That's the route in. That Mercedes was a clever minx thinking she could mislead us. We'll need Nan to access whatever is hidden. I'm guessing we're too late, but we need to check for ourselves."

Xavier placed a hand on Jeremy's shoulder. "I wish I could be there with you. I've long wanted to see the place of my possible imprisonment, purely out of curiosity."

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