Chapter 19

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Nicole studied Waverly's face. Pretty, very pretty. Petite, with a physical presence making her appear stronger. Certainly her type, if she had a type. If she could remember what her type was. A curious feeling of being drawn to her, eyes falling on her lips. Full, red, slightly open, ripe cherries ready to be tasted. Her body leaned in without conscious thought, her mind struggling with every piece of information being presented in a stranger's bedroom. "How can you love me when I don't know you?"

"Because, I do. I know you. I've seen you naked. I know you have a scar on the front of your right thigh, and a mark on your shoulder, below your collarbone. I know you were hit on your left side. I know your eyes glow violet when you drink Nan's brew, amber when you want to show someone you love them."

Nicole pulled the duvet back, looking at the scar. "It proves nothing."

"No. Then tell me how I know your eyes glow."

"They don't. My eyes don't glow."

Nan was on hand to offer her reassurance. "Nicole, my dear, come sit in front of the mirror."

Nicole eased herself out of the bed, alternating her gaze between Waverly and Nan, really wanting to leave wherever she was. Nan instructed her to take another sip of the drink still in her hand, then look at her reflection. As the liquid ran down her throat her eyes flashed a brilliant violet, the glass falling from her hand, the remainder of the drink trickling down her leg. "No, it's a trick. There's drugs in whatever you've given me. This is insane."

"N, it's not a trick. You're a demigod, who fights demons and rescues those who call to your heart."

"I'm a what? Please, whoever you people are, I need to leave. Where are my clothes?"

"N, tell me you love me. Just say it. Just once and see how your eyes change."

"This is crazy. How can I love someone I don't even know?"

"N. Look in the mirror and say you love me. That's all I ask. You're free to go after that."

Nicole really wanted to leave. If all that was stopping her was saying this one phrase and finding her clothes, then so be it. She stared into the mirror, her eyes on Waverly. "Fine. I love you."

There in the mirror was her reflection staring back at her, eyes glowing amber, fixing her to the spot. "I...I love you," she repeated, the glow of her eyes becoming stronger. "But, I don't know you."

"I know," Waverly replied. "But, your eyes betray what's in your heart. N, I know this is all strange right now, but believe me, you are what we say you are. And, we need you. I need you. I'm really scared right now without you being here for me."

"Right. Sorry, where are my clothes? I really need to go."

"Go where?" Waverly snapped. "Where could you possibly go?"

Nicole looked at the three women. "Home. I just want to go home."

"This is your home," Waverly replied. "Well, the narrowboat is your home. You're staying here, with me, to protect me."

"Right. I live on a narrowboat. That's novel. Look, I know you guys appear to know each other, but really, I'm not getting the whole vibe thing here. Just need my clothes. Can someone give me my clothes?"

Auntie handed over a pile of clothes and the two knives, Nicole staring at them, utterly confused, carefully placing the blades on the bed. "Could I possibly have another glass of that tonic you gave me? Bloody need it."

"N!" Waverly exclaimed. "I've never heard you swear."

"My apologies. Sorry, can I borrow you for a moment."

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