A Self-Jade Plan

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Above is a picture of what the Squad looks like (minus Levi, for you non-Squad viewers). This isn't the look they'll always have (small spoiler for things to come, InquisitorMaster fans know), but it should give you an idea what the Squad all look like. I'll probably add a Lincoln character in the next chapter to show how he compares to them in terms of looks.

Author's Note: I just want to make it VERY clear that I do know that Zalex (Zach + Alex) has been CONFIRMED to be over with Zach cheating on Alex. With that being revealed, I will no longer add Zalex to this story but I will not remove Zach's character. Trust me, I have already found a way to write off their ship and it will NOT be a problem.

The reason I will NOT write off Zach is similar to the reason why I'm still a fan of his and his channel. I am disappointed and mad at him for cheating on Alex, but I can't just suddenly stop being a fan of someone who entertains me and makes me smile every day like Zach does.

To add, I will insert a YouTube comment I made MYSELF for reasoning:

"I hate to say this (because nobody will probably care or still immediately send hate to Zach), but I really do think there's something wrong with him. Zach has said in the past that he has/had problems with overthinking. As a person who's studied cases of overthinking (and as one myself, sometimes), I know that people can be consumed by the overthinking and do very bad (irrational, wrong) things. I do think that Zach really did love Alex, it's just that his own mental problems caused harm in their relationship."

In case you didn't get it, I truly don't think Zach is okay. He clearly has problems that have caused him to damage his own relationship with Alex and even some of his friends. While I am fully on the side of Alex and will continue to support her, I won't hide the fact that Zach needs HELP. Plus, I just couldn't come up (and it was too hard) to completely find a way to write Zach COMPLETELY OFF in a way that makes sense. I will promise that Zalex will no LONGER be in this story, and I can say that I have basically hinted to y'all about how I'm going to write the ship off with just this Author's Note. Heck, I even ended up unintentionally hinting to you guys something that's part of my character (Brad) that could affect things in this story.

In the case that you weren't a InquisitorMaster/The Squad fan (which, you probably weren't), this probably didn't really matter to you. But if you did read this anyway, I thank you for doing so and hope that you understand. The rest of the Squad will most likely not be affected (minus Drake and Jade/Gaby).

If you are in the little chance a InquisitorMaster/Squad fan, I hope this shows you that I will listen to everyone and not write Zalex into this story anymore. I also hope that you do still stick around, since I do have high plans for the rest of the Squad that I'd hope and love for you to see. However, I did really enjoy writing Zalex (and probably had plans for them) but I will not continue to write the ship unless y'all are okay with this or they in the VERY UNLIKELY CHANCE that this was all fake and they never broke up.

Now, let us commence Chapter 18!


Chapter 18 - A Self-Jade Plan

Lincoln just sat with his phone in hand, just in silent shock and confusion about the text. This was so deep that the albino failed to notice the questioning he was getting from his sisters in the real world (outside his mind). It wasn't until he felt both Luna and Lori (from either side of him) nudging him that he finally got out of his thoughts.

"Lincoln!" Both Luna and Lori said at the same time.

"W-what?" Lincoln said, still recovering from the sudden shift back to reality.

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