Karaoke Contest Pt. 1

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Author's Note: WE ARE ALMOST FULLY UPDATED with the main story! Once this story lines up with the main, I'll be able to update both of these normally. I'd really like to know what you guys on here think about this story, because it'd really help :)

Love Note 8

With Lincoln:

"I'm in!" Lincoln said.

"Rad, bro. I suggest you bring someone with you, since I'm bringing Sam." Luna said.

Lori, Leni, Lynn, and Lucy all looked at Lincoln with knowing looks. They knew exactly who Lincoln should bring, I mean it's obvious! Bring Jordan!, all 4 sisters thought.

Lincoln clearly understood what his sisters were signing, and thought of the same idea.

"Don't worry, I already have someone in mind." Lincoln simply replied.

"Does this person happen to be a certain girl who came to visit?" Luna asked, referencing Jordan.

"...Maybe," Lincoln replied with a smile. "Anyway," he started. "Where's the competition at?"

"The mall,"

"Got it," Lincoln replied, while looking at his phone. He walked out of the room, with a plan. One part was to ask Jordan, which would be easy since she's in his room. The other part should be the same, since he was doing it as he was walking. Lincoln knew exactly who to invite, as they were sure to accept.


Lincoln: Hey Zach!

Zach: What's up Lincoln?

Lincoln: Still want to get a taste of Royal Woods?

Zach: Yeah, sure. We just uploaded our new video, so we'll be able to go. What are we doing?

Lincoln: You know where the mall is, right?

Zach: Yeah, why?

Lincoln: You think you all can meet us there?

Zach: Us?

Lincoln: Yeah, I'll have Jordan with me. Plus my sister Luna and her girlfriend Sam.

Zach: Alright, I'll see you there! I'll have the whole Squad, by the way.

Lincoln: Alright, it was planned you bring the whole Squad anyway lol.

Now, giving the Squad that taste of Royal Woods wasn't the only reason to invite them. Lincoln knew that Luna would be happy to meet the people that helped her brother during lunchtime. Besides, the more the merrier.

By the time he looked up from his phone, he was at his door. He quickly went inside, intentions clear. Time to ask Jordan, he thought.

"Hey, Jordan-" Lincoln started, before noticing what Jordan had in her hand. In that hand was Bun-Bun, Lincoln's personal stuffed animal.

The memory of the two meeting now flashed in Lincoln's mind, when he lent her Bun-Bun to make her feel better. It was the day they met, and developed their first crushes on each other...The day they met their soulmate.

"Sorry, I was just remembering-" Jordan started, with her trying to finish her statement. At the same time, the other was trying to finish that statement for her.

"The day we met," both said at the same time. Both looked at the other straight in the eyes and blushed, before bursting in laughter. The laughter didn't take long to die off, as both pretty much wanted to ask the same thing.

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