Smackdown & Injured Bunny

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Author's Note: With the upload of this chapter, we are officially caught up when it comes to uploads! While the Masked Singer Jr. doesn't end this chapter, we make a lot of progress into the show. Speaking of that, I'll just let you guys read it now!

Love Note 11 - Smackdown and Injured Bunny

"Wow...Mick's really taken an interest in Gorilla." Luna said, unsure what to think.

"Well, what do you expect? Gorilla's a talented singer! Mick can see that! So what if he thinks Gorilla is performing his best too early? Mr. Swagger is only scouting one of the best!" Lola argued.

"Yeah, but that's not the only reason why he's doing that." A voice suddenly said, and it wasn't Luna's. All the Loud sisters look toward the voice, and discover Lynn Jr. as the speaker.

"Alright, so then what's the other reason...since you know so much about music?" Luna asked, trying not to sound bitter with her question.

"I'm not saying I know about music more than you; you're the best at that! I'm just trying to say that he is talented, but he's lacking versatility with his performances."

"What's versatility?" Lana asked.

"Versatility: the ability to adapt or change based on different situations," Lisa explained. Lana nodded with her new knowledge, whilst the rest of the sisters (Minus Lily) already knew this.

"What does have to do with sports anyway, Lynn?" Luna asked.

"All of the performances Gorilla's done have been emotional somewhat. He hasn't proven he can sing a different type of song, like Panther. That's why Panther's viewed as better right now, cause he sang a sad song and a love song." Lynn explained.

"What about the other competitors?" Lana asked.

"Well, we haven't seen them perform another song yet." Lynn replied with a shrug.

"We could literally watch another one if you guys just stop talking!" Lori asked, sounding a little irritated and annoyed.

"Jeez, what a way to steal the mic. You don't need to steal the spotlight!" Luan joked, resulting in no laughter like usual.

Back to the Action:

"Our first two performances have been great! But I think it's time to see our first Smackdown." Nick says, met with fanfare.

"Here's how our Smackdowns will work. You already know that the two chosen competitors will face off directly, but you don't know everything. There are two types of Smackdowns; The Face-off and The Battle! For the Face-off, both competitors will have a separate, but shortened performance. The loser, voted by our judges and you guys, gets automatically nominated for elimination that night. As for Battles, the competitors will perform the same song. Just like Face-offs, the loser will get nominated for elimination! As an added bonus, you'll also be getting a clue during the Smackdowns." Nick explained, as his explanation actually also worked as a voice-over for the graphic (explaining everything he said) on screen.

From backstage, all of the competitors were there as this was explained. 'Looks like Smackdowns are going to be more complicated to win, now.' Lincoln thought. Luckily for Lincoln, it looked like he wouldn't be getting a Smackdown that night. At least he thought, since he was sure that he would've been notified if that was true.

"Our first Smackdown will be a Battle, as well as seeing the final representatives from Section A! Ladies and gentleman, your matchup tonight for Section A is...Chinchilla vs. Tiger!" Nick announced, leading to the contestants in question to come out, microphones in hand. Whilst the Chinchilla gave a small wave to the crowd, Tiger was a lot more energetic in their greetings.

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