Lunchtime Altercation

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Lincoln was standing in the lunch line, but this time was different. For one, he wasn't in line with the person he usually was with. That person would be Clyde, but this time it's his girlfriend Jordan. At least the people around him were familiar to him.

In front of him were all members of the squad: Zach, Alex, Jade, Charli, Drake, Light, Jaxx, and Brad. Behind Lincoln and Jordan were Lincoln's regular friends: Clyde, Rusty, and Liam. Somehow, even Jordan's friends were behind them.

What was even crazier was how each group initially reacted to Lincoln and Jordan with each other in line. The Squad didn't mind at all (except Jade and Charli, who looked at them with knowing looks), Lincoln's friends were somehow oblivious to what was going on (besides Stella, who also knew), and Jordan's friends were also cool with her hanging in line with Lincoln (despite not knowing their relationship now).

Speaking of their relationship, nobody has actually been told about Lincoln and Jordan's new relationship. Most of their giant group had their suspicions, but they would not yet be confirmed or dented by either of the pair.

Things were going pretty well for everyone. Lincoln got his lunch, and started for the tables the Squad and his group shared, with everyone else following suit. On the way to the table, Lincoln bumped into someone and almost dropped his lunch, saving it before it could hit the ground.

While his lunch was saved, this unfortunately meant that Lincoln didn't initially know who he bumped into. The other person did know exactly who he was, though.

"Watch it, old man!" Shouted the voice. Lincoln now stopped looking at his saved lunch to see who the person he bumped into was. The kid had black pants, and wore a green shirt with a white sweatshirt underneath it. That shirt also happened to have a gear on it.

"Chandler," Lincoln said, addressing the boy.

"Larry," the bully replied back. The two enemies proceeded to stare down the other, not saying a word. Unknown to them was a certain Filipino girl happened to start recording this go down, out of instinct.

The stare down didn't last long, as it was quickly interrupted by Jordan speaking.

"His name is Lincoln, you jerk!" Jordan suddenly said, now next to Lincoln. The girl had actually taken his and her lunches to their table before coming back to defend her boyfriend.

"Aww, looks like your girlfriend came to defend you!" Chandler teasingly said.

The two quickly knew how to respond. We still have to hide our relationship, both kids thought. "We're not dating," the pair quickly responded.

"Whatever, like I really care." Chandler responded, arrogantly. "Just get out of this, it's between us guys!" he pushes Jordan aside as he says this, making Lincoln angry.

Lincoln stood in front of his girlfriend. "If this really is between us, then leave Jordan out of this!" Lincoln said, keeping his ground.

Jordan's heart just fluttered seeing Lincoln's bravery. He's already my boyfriend, but I just can't help but fall for him over and over again! Jordan thought.

"I guess that's fair," Chandler started. Lincoln felt himself sigh mentally, until Chandler flashed an evil grin. "But I never said anything about my goons!" the bully exclaimed.

All of a sudden, Lincoln feels someone big grab his head. Before he could check who it was, he felt someone else kick his shin! It seemed as these two maneuvers were done simultaneously, as the hands let go of Lincoln's head as soon as the kick hit his shin. Since this was sudden, nobody could catch Lincoln as he fell down with a thud.

The Love NoteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon