Family Finds Out

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Author's Note: I know there aren't any characters in this chapter besides the Louds, but I really want to know how you're feeling about the other characters in this story. Whether you know the Squad or not, are you guys liking the characters? I love how you guys are liking the Jordacoln moments and even giving song suggestions (that I am trying to/will use)...but I can't improve the way I write the Squad without comments on it.


Love Note 6

"That was so mean!" Lana said, as the Louds were driving home.

"Oh man, if only I could get a piece of him!" Lola said, clearly mad about what happened.

"Trust me, I tried. But his friends there wouldn't let me." Lynn responded.

"Wait, they didn't let you?" Lisa asked.

"Really?" Lana asked.

"Yeah. When Lincoln got attacked by Chandler's goons, I was angry. I wanted to go hurt them myself, but then Light stops me." Lynn said.

"Out of the whole Squad, I'm kinda surprised it was Light." Lincoln said.

"Yeah, I would've thought Drake or Zach did it." Jordan agreed.

"I knew she had something to do with this," Lisa said, clearly referencing Jordan.

"Don't be like that. The spirits have told me she defended him, and he defended her back." Lucy said.

"And he got attacked after he defended her?" Lola asked. Lucy nodded, knowing Lincoln would do that for someone. Jordan sat quietly, thinking about what Lola said. So pretty much what happened to Lincoln is all my fault...

"She must be really important to you if you risked injury to defend her, elder brother." Lisa stated.

Lincoln blushed at this, but knew he needed an excuse. Unfortunately he couldn't defend himself because someone else spoke.

"Say, why would you do such a thing for each other?" Lana asked, truly curious.

Luckily for Lincoln, he didn't have to answer. This is because their home was in view, meaning everyone had to go inside. When Vanzilla stopped, everyone got out the way the usually would.

As Lincoln started to walk with Jordan helping him off Vanzilla, he was grabbed by the shoulders. He looked around, and saw Lori and Leni.

Knowing that it was ok, Jordan walked forward towards the Loud House along with the sisters. She was walking confidently until she had similar thoughts from before. Oh no...I'm gonna have to explain what happened to Lincoln's parents, aka my future in-laws. They're gonna know that what happened is my fault, and hate me for it. Clearly, Jordan assumed the worst.

"Lincoln, we have to talk to you." Lori said. Jordan looked over at Lincoln, who signaled her to go ahead without him. He looked back to Lori and Leni.

"What's up?" Lincoln asked casually.

"We know about your relationship with Girl Jordan." Lori said. Lincoln started to get nervous, and tried to come up with an excuse. Like in Vanzilla, he was interrupted, this time by Lori.

"Don't even try to come up with an excuse!" Lori said sternly. Lincoln sighed, before losing his nervousness.

"How do you guys know?" Lincoln asked.

"I had a feeling you guys were dating because of the video. First off, you called her Jordan when everyone else calls her Girl Jordan. Second, you guys defended each other like a couple would. Third, I saw you guys holding hands on the way here." Lori explained. Lincoln blushed at this, as it was the truth.

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