The Masks Get Interesting

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Author's Note: Chapter 10 is here! While there aren't many performances in this chapter, I can guarantee next chapter will be filled with singing. It took me the longest to come up with the new rules and format, so I hope you guys like it! P.S: Remember, suggestions are ALWAYS welcome, and will most likely be used.

Love Note 10

Ahh, yes: lunchtime. Though it was a normal day, it would be a very interesting one for a certain white-haired 6th grader. Today, Lincoln would be meeting Levi, the new Squad member. He'd also have to ask if his friends wanted to go to Dairyland to use his tickets.

In fact, Lincoln even would have to record the next episode of The Masked Singer Jr. that very same day. Speaking of that, there have been quite the mentions of that show in the halls today. He heard the conversations, all of them. Each being pretty similar.

"Hey, did you watch The Masked Singer Jr.?"


"Who's your favorite?"

"_ is mine!"

"Mine's _!"

"Man, I can't believe Jayden Poth was on the show! Too bad he got sick though,"

"I wonder who _ is"

Lincoln just heard it all. He was glad to know that there were a good amount of people that mentioned the Bunny, his own character. If only they knew it was him...

By the time Lincoln was done remembering, he realized he already grabbed his lunch. As he approached his big group's table, Lincoln noticed two things: that Jordan wasn't sitting with his group (which was fine, as she told him), and that everyone seemed to be looking towards one person. It was Levi, the newest Squad member.

Levi looked to have his own color scheme, just like the other Squad members. He had an almost all black outfit, minus the white polo under his white cardigan. Accompanying his black hair and eyes were also black jeans, boots, and jacket around his waist. He even had bandages wrapped around his arms, just like on Light's face.

"Oh, hey! It's Lincoln...isn't it?" Levi asked, noticing Lincoln first. This prompts the rest of Lincoln's friends and the Squad to look in Lincoln's direction. Before any one of them could speak, Lincoln responded.

"That's me! I am guessing you're Levi?"

"Let me guess, Alex told you about me."

"Well, it was more like the whole Squad that did," Lincoln explained, causing the rest of the Squad to faintly smile (other than Alex).

"I can only imagine," Levi responds with a small laugh. Lincoln noticed that Levi's voice was significantly deeper for their age, but didn't really question it. At least it keeps him unique, Lincoln thought.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Levi!" Lincoln said, reaching out his hand.

"Yeah, same here." Levi responded, taking Lincoln's hand and shaking it.

"I knew you guys would get along!" Zach exclaimed, causing everyone to laugh. Clyde, Stella, Rusty, and Liam laughed too, but laughed specifically at Zach's excitement.

"Anyway, have you seen the show, The Masked Singer Jr?" Clyde asked.

"You mean the show everyone's been talking about? Of course!" Lincoln replied, lying about that last part. You can't really watch the show you're also on, can you?

"Can you blame anyone? The show's just so good!" Charli exclaimed.

"I didn't get to watch it live, but I saw the performances on WeTube." Rusty said.

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