First Performances PT. 2

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I have finally come out with Chapter 3! Honestly, I kinda overachieved with this chapter. My original writing of this was 2,000 words, and I wanted to add up to at least 3,000 words. So I added to what I had, it's 6,039 words. This is the split version of that document! In this half, we meet the final contestants, and our first competitor is eliminated. Enjoy!

Before we go back to Lincoln and the show, let's see what other characters are doing.

The Loud House:

"Wow. I can't say I sing myself, but these performances have been really good." said Lynn, with surprising interest.

"I will say, the tones of the voices have been good. I especially favor the Oryctolagus cuniculus." Lisa added.


"In street terms- the bunny is my favorite."

"Oh my gosh, Bunny is totes a great singer!" Leni added.

"I don't know, his song was a little OFF-key for his character! Haha, get it?" Luan jokes, which the sisters groan at.

"Well, it looks like literally everyone here liked Bunny." Lori said, with a small roll of her eyes.

"Oh come on, you like Bunny too!" Lola fired back.

"I bet Lincoln would like Bunny as well!" exclaimed Lana, clearly siding with her twin.

Lori knew the twins were right, so she didn't respond. Surprisingly, the show had actually gotten her off her phone for once. Luna, however, had her own thoughts. The musically inclined sister saw the show first, but yet hasn't made a single comment.

"Well, we'll just show him when he comes back bruh." Luna added. Or maybe he's already watching this..

"Sigh, I liked how Tiger and Cavalier rapped. They remind me of my poems." Lucy added.

The Rosato Residence:

It wasn't just the Louds that were watching, as the Rosotos were also watching on tv. Well, at least Jordan and her sister Jen were watching. Just like the Louds, they were also enjoying the show.

"Man, that Bunny is really good!" Jen exclaimed.

Jordan, however, felt a different way about the Bunny (Lincoln). I want to say I feel connected to the Bunny, but I don't know. Last time I said that about a singer, it was Lincoln. Maybe the Bunny is him...I should ask him, Jordan thought.

"Yeah, I like the Bunny too." Agreed Jordan, hiding her thoughts from her sister.

At the Show:

Nick Cannon was once again on stage, just like he had been many times that evening. He smiled, ready to introduce another competitor.

"What an evening it has been for all of us, here on the premiere of The Masked Singer Jr. We've met and listened to two-thirds of our contestants. If you haven't yet, prepare to meet our final 5 for the night!" Nick said.

The crowd cheered, already knowing which contestants were left. What really mattered was the order of those 5, and what kinda performance would they give.

"I'm so excited!" Exclaimed Nicole, to which Mick agreed with.

"Now, let's meet our silverback competitor. Say hello to the Gorilla!" announced. The gorilla's promo revealed that he was from a bad family, and not known to sing. Gorilla came out shyly, and music started to play immediately.

Guess it's true, I'm not good at a one-night stand

But I still need love 'cause I'm just a man

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