4. The Fallen Human

Start from the beginning

"Not only that, it seems that you have damaged your tongue and throat. You may not be able to taste anything for a while or it will just taste like something else entirely."


"We're sorry sir, there's nothing we can do for both of your conditions."

"Its fine... Its not your fault... It's that so called 'God's fault..."


"I see you are fully healed My Lor- your wings have grown back." The Head Demon pointed out as she walked into the Devil's office.

"Ah, this... These aren't actually my wings, it's a scarf mechanism that I made using my magic to help me fly. [M/N] explained as he flap his 'wings'.

 [M/N] explained as he flap his 'wings'

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"I see.. Well, its good to have you back, sir."

"It's good to be back, Rieta."

-Time Skip-

Kazuha POV


I snapped out of my thought by Captain Beidou calling me.

"I apologize, Beidou... I was just..."

"You don't have to tell me, Kazuha... You lost two of your friends, right? Just so you know, you can talked to us if something's bothering you."

"Thank you, Beidou... For everything... For taking me in, on the Crux Fleet."

"Don't mention it. Come on, it's getting late. Go rest." She patted my back.

"You can go ahead first... I still wanted to stay at the deck."

"Fine, don't stay up to late." She told me as she made her way to her room.

Now that I'm alone, I am free with my thought's.

I look up at the sky, the pitch black sky being decorated by the star's and the moon shining brightly.

I can't help but give a sad smile at the sight.

"The moon is so bright and beautiful. It holds so many memories." I chuckled at what I just said.

"That's what he said... All those years ago." I mumbled.

My eyelids then start to get heavier and heavier. Next thing I know, I have fallen asleep on the deck.


A sound of skin... tearing...

A loud scream... Was heard.

A loud... Familiar... Scream...

My eyes widened at the noise, I look around frantically.

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