11-Save Me

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"Boyfriend? I'm your boyfriend?" Joowon asked. Ra Im looked at him with a mix of surprised and nervous expression while Seri looked at him like it's not something to be surprised of.

"Unfortunately you were. But thank God, I'm no longer in a relationship with you." Seri looked away and her eyes landed on Ri Jeong Hyeok. She's contemplating whether she'll drag him into this mess to save her ass or just let him watch their chaotic relationship revelation from afar. In the end Seri chose the latter, she chose to clean their mess by herself.

Joowon's forehead creased. He became silent for a moment and no one bothered to speak. He's still processing all the information that he got, he can't believe that Seri was once part of his life, that they were once part of each other's lives. "How come I didn't know this? I can't remember anything and no one even told me." He finally speaks.

Seri rolled her eyes. "Obviously you're still suffering from amnesia. And fck that amnesia! You didn't deserve to forget what you did to me. You deserve to remember how you cheated on me and regret it for the rest of your life."

He let out a sigh. "But why can't I feel anything? I can't feel any love towards you. Maybe my mind forgets but I think my heart should at least remember you."

Seri smiled bitterly. "Maybe because your heart forgot it already even before the accident." She blinked multiple times just to stop the tears from falling. She inhaled a lot of air to calm herself. "I hate you. I hate you so much Kim Joowon! But I hate myself more for loving you after all these years. I hate myself for loving only you." Her voice cracked while saying the last sentence.

And as if on cue, Jeong Hyeok called her. "Jagiya!" When Seri looked at him she saw pain in his eyes for a split second. Okay what was that? She asked herself.

Seri, Joowon and Ra Im's eyes widened. "J-jagiya?" Ra Im asked her sister. "You two are-"

"I'm looking for you everywhere." Jeong Hyeok cutted Ra Im's sentence, he took off his coat and put it on her shoulder.

Seri looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about? Jagiya?" She's thinking if he's doing this to save her or just to make fun of her.

Joowon stared at her. "He's your boyfriend now? The last time I saw him, he's just your business partner" He turned his gaze at him. "Or am I wrong?" He asked in an intimidating tone.

Jeong Hyeok wasn't intimidated by his question at all. "Does it matter, Mr. Kim? She's mine now and that's all that matters." He gave him a smirk.

Seri and Ra Im were silent while watching the two men in front of them arguing over Seri.

Joowon nodded. "Ohhh. Aren't you single right now, Yoon Seri? I think the last boyfriend you had was a fling, is it him?" He pointed his index finger at Jeong Hyeok.

Seri scoffed. "Fling?! Huh! I don't like your choices of word, Mr. Kim." Seri comes near him and puts her lips near his ear to whisper. "And it's none of your business if Jeong Hyeok is my boyfriend or not." She pulls herself away from him and puts her hand on his suit as if wiping off dirt from it. "Got it?" She turned her back against the evil couple after giving him a sweet smile.

Jeong Hyeok reached for Seri's hand, she felt a spark and warmth in her heart when he intertwined his hand on hers. She looked at him confusingly but he just gave her an assuring smile. She didn't know why but she felt relieved by what he did.

They walked hand in hand until they reached the parking lot. Seri took her hand from his hold and looked at him awkwardly. "Uhh..." She tried to find the words to say but she failed.

Jeong Hyeok let out a laugh, he tapped her shoulder. "Loosen up, Yoon Seri. You're so tense." He looked at her straight in the eyes. "Look, if you're thinking about what I said earlier, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make things complicated between the three of you, you looked like you'll break down any moment so I decided to save you, you don't want to cry in front of them, right?"

Her tears started to fill her eyes. "Thank you, Jeong Hyeok-ah." She stopped for a second when she realized what she called him. "Oh I'm so sorry, I was too informal."

He smiled. "No, it's okay. I think it's better if you call me with that." He roamed his eyes around the parking lot before looking at her again. "Did you bring your car?"

She shook her head. "I'm with my dad earlier."

Jeong Hyeok looked at her worriedly. "You must be tired, do you wanna go home? I can drive you home if you want."

She looked at her feet, trying to avoid his eyes. "You've done so much for me, isn't it too much?"

He chuckled. "Hey, listen." He held her chin so he could look at her beautiful eyes. "I just did what I think is right, and it is not too much, okay?"

She nodded like a little kid which made him smile. "So, friends?" She lent her hand, waiting for a handshake. She was looking in his eyes when she saw another pain passing through his eyes like what she saw earlier. So I wasn't imagining things earlier? I really saw the pain in his eyes.

He gave her a genuine smile before he accepted her hand. "Friends." He let go of her hand to open the door of the passenger's seat. "Get in."

She did as told. When Jeong Hyeok entered the car, the two of them became silent. The silence was deafening so Seri decided to break the ice. "You're engaged, right? What if Joowon or Ra Im tell her about what you did?" She's so worried that he might have a fight with his fiancee.

"Don't worry, they don't know who she is." He didn't even bother to look at her 'cause he's driving.

She's about to ask a question but she's hesitating. Jeong Hyeok noticed it even if he's not looking at her. "You wanna ask something?"

She nodded. "Do you mind if I ask where she is?" He shook his head as a sign that he didn't mind if she asked. "Is she in Korea right now?"

He stopped the car because of the stop light, he looked at her. "Yes, she's here."

Seri let out a sigh. "You know, I'm not just an ordinary woman, the Republic of South Korea knows me. Whatever happened tonight will spread like a wildfire, what if someone else heard of what you said?"

"Relax, Seri-ssi. It won't reach her, and even if it does, she won't do anything." He assured her. He stopped the car in front of her house. "Good night, Yoon Seri. Don't stress yourself about what happened tonight, okay?"

She nodded. "Thanks for driving me home." She stepped out of the car and closed the door gently. She knocked on his window. "Drive safely."

After he left that's when she realized that she didn't even tell him where she lives. "How did he know?"

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