8- Seri's Choice

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Seri walked out of the comfort room after fixing herself. She was about to go near Oska but Ra Im did before she did.

"Oppa!" Ra Im called him. The two of them sat on the bench. "I'm too scared, oppa. She didn't get angry with me, that is so not her, knowing her, she'd be disgusted, but then she didn't."

Seri hides behind the wall after knowing that she's involved in their discussion.

Oska tapped her shoulder to comfort her. "Yes, Seri is a tough person, but when it comes to you?" He shook his head. "She always has that soft spot for you."

Ra Im started crying. "I'm worried about her, oppa. She hasn't shed a tear ever since she woke up from the accident. Even after knowing that Joowon oppa was unconscious, that I liked her boyfriend, and when oppa woke up and didn't recognize her."

He wiped her tears. "Stop crying Ra Im, they might think I made you cry." He teased her. "Don't worry, she'll be fine."

"I kept on thinking since last night, I thought it's better if Seri unnie was the one who had lost her memories. Don't get me wrong, I mean, from another's point of view it looks like I didn't betray her because she's still good to me, but I feel guilty every time I see her. It's better if she didn't remember how I betrayed her, 'cause it'll hurt her even more and I hate to see that."

Oska let out a laugh of disbelief. "Are you aware that you're brazen?" He sarcastically asked.

She was taken aback. "O-oppa."

"You should've thought about the consequences of your actions before you did what you did, Ra Im." He stood up. "And if you only talk to me just for you to have my sympathy, I'm so sorry but you can't have it.

Seri was about to approach them but she fainted. Oska's eyes widened. "Seri-ssi!" He carried her and brought her to her room.

Her doctor checked on her immediately. "Don't worry too much, she's fine."

"W-why did she faint?" Ra Im asked.

"She has over-fatigue. It's better if you won't let her roam around the hospital for at least 1-2 days, let her rest." The doctor left them.

Ra Im stood up. "I'll be in the next room, call me when she wakes up."

Oska scoffed. "Really Ra Im? You'll stay with Joowon? You really have no conscience, do you?" He sarcastically asked.

"He needs me, he thinks I'm her girlfriend. She remembered the kiss and every little thing about us but she didn't remember at least a single thing about unnie, not even her name." She said.

"Ahhhh." He nodded. "That's why you're taking advantage? Oh, I see."

"What?!" She raised her voice which made Seri move a little.

"Let's go out, you almost woke her up. Let her have a good rest, that's the least you can do." The two of them left the room.

Seri was listening the whole time and the moment the two left, her tears streamed down her face, she kept herself from crying out loud.

She wiped her tears and composed herself. "I always chose the right choice, but this time, I don't know but I hope I'll make the right choice."


"Where's Seri?" Mr. Yoon asked Oska.

"She's sleeping in her room."

Mr. Yoon entered Room 203. Seri opened her eyes and smiled at her dad. "Why am I here at the hospital, appa?" She asked.

His eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?" He asked her worriedly.

She roamed her eyes around the room. "Well, when I woke up, I found myself here at the hospital."

"Did you know what happened before that?"

Seri puts her hand on her chin. "Hmm. I attended a party."

Mr. Yoon paused for a second. "Did you know someone named Kim Joo Won?"

She creased her forehead. "Kim Joo Won?" She tried to think hard. "No, I don't think I know him. Never heard of that name before." What she said was like a stab in her chest. The moment she said his name, her heart broke.

The doctor entered and ran some tests. Mr. Yoon talked to him privately. "Is it really possible to have amnesia even though it's been a week since the accident?" He asked him.

"I-It's possible, the moment she woke up last week, maybe she's already suffering from amnesia but remembers a bit about the guy from the other room then when she fainted earlier and bumped her head on the floor, she forgot the rest." The doctor explained nervously. He left Mr. Yoon because he's busy.

"He's lying, it's so obvious." He sighed worriedly. "What are you planning, Yoon Seri?"


"So you knew all along?" She scoffed. "Why didn't you ask me about it right from the start?"

"'Cause I know you have a plan. But I don't get why you have to bear all these sufferings when you didn't do anything wrong."

"You knew that I've been faking this amnesia for almost seven years and now you want me to get involved in Joowon's life? Are you torturing me?" She said angrily.

"No, I'm not torturing you, you're torturing yourself." Mr. Yoon sighed. "Can't you choose yourself this time? Gil Ra Im betrayed you, Yoon Seri. How could you be so nice to her?!"

She smiled. "Right? How could I be so nice to her? Well, her mom, I mean our mom asked me to take care of her and not let her get hurt. She didn't even think about me, all she cares about is Ra Im, and since she died, I had no choice but to fulfill her last wish." She almost cried.

"Where's the mean and badass Seri? I guess you're trying your best to be good to her despite her betrayal."

"Appa... Can you leave me now? I need to rest." She left the living room and went straight to her room. Mr. Yoon left the house, he looked at the door and sighed.

Seri's phone vibrated, it was a message from Ra Im.
Ra Im: I'm back!

Her eyes widened. "What?! I thought she'll be back next month?"

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