3- Inevitable

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This is a reupload, I'm so sorry, my wattpad messed up!😭


"What will you do abroad?" Seri asked her little sister as soon as she came.

"Unnie you already know why."

Seri crossed her arms. "You didn't ask for my permission now? Gil Ra Im, I'm your guardian."

Ra Im let out a sarcastic laugh. "So I need to ask for your permission in everything I do? Unnie I'm a grown up now. I'm already 27, for pete's sake!"

Seri gave her a death glare. "Are you raising your voice at me?!"

Ra Im looked down immediately.

"Ra Im, ever since our mom died, I took care of you because you're my sister. You don't want to live with my family, I let it slide because I know you'll be uncomfortable. You don't want to live with me, I let it slide because I know you don't like me."

Ra Im looked so apologetic. "Unnie"

Seri smiled at her. "No Ra Im, it's okay, I understand. If I were you, I'd hate myself too." She took a deep breath. "You don't want me to meddle with your personal life? I let it slide cause we only met each other at that time. But this one Ra Im? I can't let this slide, you should've told me first before you did that."

"I'm sorry unnie." Ra Im cried.

Seri wiped her tears. She holds her face and looks straight at her eyes. "Listen Ra Im, do you think I won't let you go abroad if you tell me first? Do you think I'll be a hindrance for your dream? You know that I always give what you want right? And I'm always here to support you."

Ra Im wiped her tears. "By the way unnie" she turned to her. "What's bothering you?"

Seri smiled. "Nothing."

"Come on unnie! You always put me first but how about you? Unnie tell me, maybe I can give you some advice."

Seri sighed. "There's a friend of mine, she's having an arranged marriage with her father's family friend because they want to be business partners. That friend of mine doesn't want to get married because she's taken and he's taken. She came up with a bright idea, she wants to have the property that he owns in exchange for calling the wedding off. She's so smart right?"

Ra Im laughed. "Unnie, just use the pronoun 'I' okay? Seo Dan unnie's your only friend and you're bragging that your 'friend' is so smart, you don't do that to Dan unnie, plus you love to brag about yourself."

"Yah Gil Ra Im!" Seri throws a pillow.

"So you're saying you'll get married with your dad's family friend's son but you're both taken, then you want his property in exchange of cancelling the wedding, am I right?"

Seri nodded.

"Unnie, answer me honestly, do you love your boyfriend?"

Seri froze for a second but she shook her head.

"Does he love his girlfriend?"

Seri rolled her eyes. "How would I know?! Maybe he does. But wait, for example you're his girlfriend, what will you do?"

Ra Im give it a thought. "Hmm, if I were his girlfriend, of course I won't let him marry you. First of all I love him and I want us to be married, and lastly he's not in a win-win situation." She burst out laughing.

"Yah Gil Ra Im! What do you mean?!"

Seri was about to hit her but Ra Im made a serious expression. "But seriously unnie, if I were you I'll call the wedding off, you can be business partners even if you're not married."

"That's why I'm asking for that golf course in return."

"You're so childish unnie, but I must say you're really a businesswoman, you don't want to lose huh? But wait what's with that golf course?"

Seri shook her head. "I don't know, there's this special feeling whenever I'm in there but I can't remember and it frustrates me, that's why I want that land, I want to know why I'm being like this."

Ra Im swallowed nervously. "Unnie." she called.

Seri looked at her and smiled. "Hmm?"

"Tomorrow at 9 AM."

Seri was confused for a few seconds but realized what she's talking about. "I'm sorry dongsaeng, I can't come to the airport, I have a very important meeting tomorrow, I can't cancel it." She gave her an apologetic look.

"No, it's okay unnie! Oppa's going to come to send me off, don't worry."

That caught Seri's attention. "Really? That's great, at least someone's sending you off."


"Are you sure about this love? I know you'll miss me." Joowon teases her.

"We already talked about this oppa, right?"

Ra Im was about to hug him when a sound of someone's heels filled the air.

Ra Im looked back, her eyes widened. "Unnie! I thought you can't come with me?"
Seri didn't answer her question, instead she just smiled at her, but her smile faded when she saw Joowon. "What are you doing here?" she asked him.

Joowon raised his eyebrows. "Same question here missy."

Ra Im faked a cough. "A-ahh unnie, this is K-kim Joo Won, my b-boyfriend. And oppa, this is Yoon Seri, my sister."

Seri touched her sister's hair. "Why are you so nervous my dearest little sister?"

Joowon was shocked. "Y-you're sisters?"

Seri ignored him and looked at her sister instead. "So he's your boyfriend? Hmm he's that 'someone' I'm talking about last night." she smiled.

Ra Im's eyes widened. "W-what?!"

"Paging all passengers, we're about to go."

Seri hugged her. "Be a good girl okay?"

Ra Im's face was so uneasy.

Joowon pulled her for a hug. "I'll miss you love. I love you, my baby."

Ra Im looked at him. "I'll miss you too oppa, I love you love." she reached for his lips and gave him a goodbye kiss.

Seri looked away and her eyes spotted Oska. "Oh! Oppa!" she waved her hand.

Oska's eyes widened. "Seri-yah!"

Seri walked to where Oska is, leaving the two behind. "What are you doing here? Are you here to send off Ra Im too?"

"Well kinda, but I'm actually here as Joowon's driver." he snorted.

Her eyes widened. "What?! Are you close with him?" she asked.

He nodded. "We're cousins." He drank his bubble tea.

"Really? What a small world, so I guess you know something."

His eyebrows furrowed. "Something? Like what?" the marriage of the two comes to his mind. "Ahh! You mean your wedding?"

Seri punched his biceps playfully. "Wedding my ass! He's my sister's boyfriend duh!"

Oska smirked. "You can't escape what's already destined, Seri." He's smirking but his tone was serious.

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