9- Lies

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"Can you make it here, love? Are you still stuck in traffic?" He asked.

"I don't think I can. This is heavy traffic." She said with a fake sad voice. She's planning to surprise him.

On the other hand, Ra Im was having fun with her friends. She kept on looking at Joowon which made it too obvious for them.

One of her friends nudged her. "You like him?" Her friend asked.

She creased her forehead. "Who are you pertaining to?"

"Joowon oppa."

She quickly shook her head. "Of course not! He's my sister's boyfriend."

Her friend nodded. "Your sister has a good taste. I bet they look good together." Her friend said while watching her reaction.

She smiled bitterly. "Yeah they look good together."

"No doubt, you like him."

"Yah! What are you saying?"

Her friend left her for a minute to gather everyone. "Let's play Spin the bottle, who's in?" Everyone joined, even the well known killjoy—Kim Joowon.

Someone spinned the bottle. "Oh! It's Gil Ra Im! Truth or dare?"

"Dare." She answered lifelessly.

Everyone was silent while waiting for the dare. Her friend smiled widely. "Kiss Joowon oppa on the lips for 20 seconds."

Her eyes widened and her heart skipped. "Y-you're drunk! Gosh bestie! Can't I just drink this for the consequence?" She asked while holding a glass of beer but didn't get a response. She drank the beer.

"Kiss!!!" The crowd yelled and some of them squealed.

The alcohol that she consumes the whole time takes an effect. She walked in his direction and looked at Joowon who was now wasted. "O-oppa."

Joowon smiled. "It's okay."

Her eyes widened because of his response, she was shocked because he said that it's okay with him. She held his face and kissed him. He responded to her kisses and he held her back to pull her closer and deepen the kiss. The crowd squealed, those who knew Joowon and Seri's relationship also joined the crowd in squealing, they were all wasted.

A loud noise interrupted everyone. Seri dropped the expensive wine that she's holding. Everybody looked at her.

"U-unnie" Ra Im tried to call her but she turned around and left them with an emotionless face.

Joowon followed her, he held her arm to stop her. "Let's talk."

"In front of them?" She pointed to everyone.


She looked at Ra Im. "I can't talk to you right now Gil Ra Im. I might say something that I shouldn't say." She turned her attention to Joowon. "Follow me to the car."

Seri sat in the driver's seat and Joowon sat in the passenger's seat. She started driving calmly, she let out a deep breath. "Are you sober?" She asked, still with no emotion.

He looked at her. "Hmm."

"When you kiss Ra Im, are you sober?" She asked, she's controlling her anger.


She nodded. "Ahhh, you're not sure."

"Ra I- I mean Seri-ssi it's not like that."

She stopped from driving because of the stop light. She looked at him with eyes full of anger. "Did you just mistake my name for Ra Im's name?!"

He waved his hands as a sign of opposition. "No! I-i was about to say that Ra Im's like a little sister to me."

She started driving again but a little faster this time. "Ssibal." She hissed. "Enough of those lies Kim Joowon! Little sister? Who are you kidding?!"

"Y-yah Seri-yah, calm down. We might get into an accident, at least stop somewhere else first."

She didn't listen to him, she drove faster instead. "Let's end this."

He froze. "Uhh? W-what do you mean? I don't want to die yet."

She scoffed. "I don't wanna die yet as well. I mean let's break up, let's end this."

"No! I won't break up with you."

She looked at him with disbelief. "How brazen." When she looked in front she saw a truck that looked like it lost its control. She looked at Joowon. "Yah! Why didn't you fasten your seatbelt?! Fasten it!"

She needs to stop the car immediately but Joowon can't fasten his seatbelt out of nervousness. She stopped the car and because of the strong impact, Joowon bumped his head on the dashboard. She saw that there was blood on his head and the dashboard. "Oh my God!" She screamed. She got her phone and called an ambulance.


"Unnie, I missed you!" Ra Im hugged her tightly.

"I thought you'll go home next month, did anything happen?" She asked.

"I'll tell you later, we have a party to attend, right?"

Seri looked at her nervously. "Ra Im, the thing is... it's our engagement party."

Her eyes widened. "What?!"

She held her shoulder and looked straight into her eyes. "Listen Ra Im, it's only for business, okay?"

"There you said it, for business only. Why do you have to do the engagement party?"

She sighed. "For formality's sake."

Ra Im sat and Seri did the same. "Unnie, you have amnesia, right?"

She was caught off guard. "Huh?" She swallowed hard. "Y-yes."

"Did you know what I did for you?"

"No, I don't know what you did for me, but I know what you did to me." She said to herself.

She faked a smile. "What did you do FOR ME?" She emphasized the last part.

"You had a boyfriend before-"

"Which one?" She cut her off.

"Let me finish first, I won't say the name but he's your boyfriend before. You loved each other even before you met me, when the three of us spent time together, I also fell for him but I didn't do anything about it because I know that he's your boyfriend. I just let it be a one sided love."

Seri was waiting for her to finish the story but she didn't. "Is it the end? You just let us be happy and you had a one sided love?" She was hoping that she'll continue and say that she betrayed her.

She nodded. "Yes, that's all."

Seri hid her disappointment. "Why did you tell me that? You want me to do the same?"

She thought Ra Im would say that it is not what she meant but to her surprise she nodded. "Yes, that's what I want."

She smirked. "You want me to do that too, I see." She's pertaining to her sister's betrayal.

Ra Im sensed that she's not talking about her story. "H-huh?"

"You should've at least told me the truth, you didn't drop a name anyway, though I know who that 'boyfriend' is." She said to herself.

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